Friday, April 29, 2011

1 Peter 3 Devotional

Check out 1 Peter 3 here: and then mosey on back to this blog to check this out:

Okay, okay. First paragraph in I'm thinking "yikes, we 21st century peeps are in trouble." Especially, the women. (Sorry, women.) With talk of "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit"

I'm thinking this is hitting home with every woman who reads this and every man who is with a woman who is reading this. I mean, let's be honest, fake tans aren't real. Duh, right? But seriously...I just heard about eyelash extensions the other day. Eyelash extensions. Boggles the mind.

We are a society of "don't look at me yet, my face isn't on." We're not skeletons. Our skulls aren't exposed. In fact, it's covered by muscles and then a patch of skin called our faces. So, it's never off. But, the mask we wear everyday over our faces...? Well, that's in your makeup bag. And Peter doesn't like it.

And guys. We aren't off the hook either. And before I get into what Peter tells us, we all know that we are also guilty of "my face, my face!" from time to time. Or working out for hours in the gym for the sake of others and not ourselves. Or, dare I say it? Fake tanning. Spray-on tanning. Mystic tanning! VersaSpa anyone?

Anyhoo...Peter tells us guys that we need to honor our wives and lift them up as the weaker partner. And not "weaker" in any other sense of the word other than that Man came first, and then Woman out of Man. So, lower your "fists of fury," ladies.

We should focus on getting our significant others to see and understand and know the glory of God and the Spirit that dwells in us. Even if the man doesn't get it, his wife is commanded to help him until he does, but not by anything other than her purity and behavior in all things Christ. She should be a shining beacon of an example to her man that God is holy...and pretty much the only way to achieve Salvation.

Peter then calls all of us to be good to one another. Repay bad with good. If done wrong by someone, turn around and do right by them. We've all heard the phrase "turn the other cheek." Yea, that's from the Bible. When Jesus (in Matthew 5:39) told us that when someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also...that's what Peter is reiterating here.

Keep your eyes on the prize. Look for, see and do only good things. Then God will turn His face to you. Do bad, and He'll look away. I don't know about you, but I'd like God watching out over me while I play kickball in the street.

And if you are harmed by someone while you are out proclaiming God's word, take heart in knowing that Jesus, too, was harmed, and then killed, for the same thing. "For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil." For some reason, I'm thinking "brownie points." By doing good, when it is finally your time, you get to take all your trays - or however else you carry points of brownies - to Judgment with you!

If you barely cast glances at all the hardships that you faced while doing God's work, and kept soldiering on despite the insults hurled and the physical punishments endured, then you did exactly what Peter was asking us to do here.

He ends with a mention of Noah's time and the flood that washed away sin - and all but 8 people -  from the world, which now represents baptism. Peter then makes a call for our own baptism. To wash away the "dirt" from our lives. Leaving us free and clean, and able to have a clear focus on God.

had a thought earlier...

Yea, I'm a writer. Gifted with this ability by God to be sure. But, that's with all gifts with all people. This time, I happened to be thinking about the sayings...

                     "I can't make this stuff up!"

  "Truth is stranger than fiction."

                   "Art imitates life."

Then it became obvious. God is the best writer out there. Our stories are His unique thoughts on "paper." He'd be a bestselling author every week! Yea, of course God breathed and there was the Bible through those that physically wrote it, but that's only what we Christians believe.

The non-C's don't believe, or unfortunately don't - yet - care about that. They do, however, care about life in general. And the fact that these sayings are so engrained in our vocabulary means that they believe something is making real life stuff way better than made up stuff....something other than them or their buddies.

I think that means there's a glimmer of hope out there for more non-C's to be brought unto the flock.

Just a thought.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


"Go wash your mind out with Bible!"

"If it doesn't help us grow, it's got to go."

I made these up earlier. I shall now be adding these to my newly created arsenal of "The Christian Ninja" sayings.

That is all.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Jedi Onslaught of Vader's Hideout

THIS JUST IN: This morning I saw an EPIC BATTLE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS commence right before my eyes. It appears that a small band of Jedis have attacked Darth Vader's fortress.

I managed to snap a few pictures, but because of the insane amount of danger being so near a warzone of this magnitude can bring about, I took off soon after doing my due diligence in reporting for this blogsite.

Right before Count E got the jump on Darth Vader.
Snapped this just as Master J-Boy and his Padawan advanced on Darth Vader after Count E left.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

my issues with Universalism

Aside from Universalism believing that ALL of mankind will be saved despite their religious beliefs, despite the fact whether a Muslim or a Buddhist or an atheist even acknowledges this idea or not, despite the fact whether they accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Son of the one true God or not…

Does this universal Salvation start from the beginning of time, or only after Jesus died on the cross? This is an extremely important question. Because if it starts from the jump, it completely undermines the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ as if it wasn’t necessary. That is dangerous theology.

If everyone is going to heaven one day, why the need for Hell? And with Hell being a real place, why use it’s existence in Universalism preaching because it works against what they are trying to teach.

What prevents anyone from running amok when they know they can do whatever they want? We are born with Sin in our hearts. That Sin manifests itself everyday in a wide variety of ways. Only by trying to be nearer to Jesus do we curb those evil inclinations. If you teach people that it doesn’t matter if they act like Jesus - or like Satan - because they’re headed to the top in the end, that could have serious - 10 Commandment-breaking - repercussions.

Further, if this belief is true, then why have a Bible at all? Why have church? Why have missions and missionaries? Because if this is the true way, then people don’t need to hear about Jesus at all because at the end of the day, they’re saved anyway. The problem with that right there is that Jesus asked for his followers to be the church. To go out and spread the Word. To be fishers of men. If that didn’t matter to Him, why did He command it?

Also, it appears that Universalism is trying to be this “feel good” anti-Christian-esque Christian movement that boasts “I’m okay, you’re okay.” They don’t want people not liking us Christians so they’d rather damn them to Hell for all eternity rather than ruffle a few feathers. Pretend that our God is not a jealous being who wants and demands our love back. The Universalists have our God looking more like a laid-back hippie than an all-powerful God who commands respect and should have our undying gratitude and servitude.

Not telling the non-followers that following Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life when we have a chance to is pretty much condemning them. It is our duty to spread the Gospel, not to change and rearrange it how we see fit so that outsiders can feel good about it. Oh, but wait, maybe if they see how cool our God is and how loving He is to all of mankind regardless of what they do or think, then maybe they’ll join us. That was in someone’s head just then. And that is crazy ridiculous.

There was a town with a set of laws. Some people knew them, some others didn’t. The local Sheriff wasn’t too worried either way. He sat on his rocking chair on the porch of his office and watched the citizens go by everyday. No matter what he saw them doing, he always waved and smiled at them. “Looking good,” he’d tell them.

Soon, the people realized that no matter what they were doing, good or bad, the Sheriff was always smiling.

So, like most humans, they began doing whatever they wanted to do. After a time, the laws went out the window. Crime was rampant. People were hurt or killed. Chaos was abundant. No one cared about anything because at the end of the day, they weren’t getting into trouble. Heck, the jail had since been turned into a marshmallow factory anyway.

The Sheriff continued to sit in his rocking chair on that porch and smile as his town burnt down in flames.

The town was called Universalism.

Does our God sound like that careless Sheriff? Pick up the Bible and let me know. Wait, I’ll save you the trouble…Nope.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."   - John 14:6 

That passage is pretty much as solid as a rock. I don't see any air pockets to wedge anything into. You're not prying that open. This is as open for interpretation as Chik-Fil-A is on a Sunday. Not happening.

It's like me saying "My name is Brennan." You can't try to read into this and say, "He's not saying his name is really Brennan here." Um, yes I am. That's exactly what I'm saying.

Our condo has two garage doors, a patio door and a front door. They're not all open at the same time and you have to go through the front door if you're getting inside. Ball's now in your court. Your turn to make the effort. The invite is out there, but I'm not driving to your house to pick you up.

That's what Jesus did. He's the door into heaven. He's extended the invite. Now it's up to us accept the invitation and to make sure we get to the party. And He's cool as many "plus 1's" when can bring along.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

E's a biker

Real fast. Um, yea, E can even start riding his bike now without our help. I taught him earlier. I love how he giggles while he rides when you tell him how fast he's going.

"I know! I'm going super fast," he says between laughs. So awesome!

I told A that E no longer needs us to ride his bike. She gave me a pouty face.

They grow up fast...

Girl News Update

On the girl's homefront:

M did not make the drill team. You may not have even known she was trying out for it because I failed to mention that fact. However, that is not - at least for now - where she is supposed to have her head at. She's got amazing pipes and I'd love to see her focus on that more. She's in pop choir and has the ear of her teachers and peers, but she's destined for far greater with that voice if she'd put it out there more.

J-Girl is, well, J-Girl. She's one of a kind. She doesn't exit her room much. Perhaps because the boys are always running around and making a mess, and she does not like a mess. She just took a math re-test yesterday and when asked if it was easy she replied with, "Well, obviously." So, there's that...

Lil' A is in front of the TV. Like, all the time. The only time she pulled her eyeballs off of it was when I banned the tube from her for a few hours. Oddly enough, it was in those few hours that her vivid imagination clicked back on and she made a cool finger puppet theater out of an old glove, some markers and a piece of cardboard. If she'd sharpen that talent like a knife on a rock, she could cut the imagination world wide open.

These girls don't really make this blog all that often because they don't migrate from their roomland much, except to scavenge for food at times, and most attempts to communicate with their species is met with blurs of their existence as they disappear back into the shadows.

Blurs often have "no comment."

Brennan's Ship Shop: The G Gang

Some of the builders, G and J-Boy, came by the shop to show off some custom rides earlier. The G Gang is prevalent around these parts, with G ruling his territory with a plastic fist.

His Padawan learner, J-Boy, is also becoming quite the skilled builder...

The G Gang Gargantuan

The Gargantuan houses several dudes and can maybe blot out the sun as it flies by.
As the head of The G Gang, G gets to pilot this monster of the skies.

 J-Boy's JoyRide

Some of the gang's henchmen posing for a picture in front of the JoyRide.
J-Boy's JoyRide is made for smooth sailing amongst the clouds.

B v. E's Gang

Jedi B has tangled with a lot of foes. Just the other day he was jumped by Darth Vader. And now earlier, he was ambushed by E and his gang...but since both are on the Light Side, this was simply to test some skill...

As a Jedi of the Light, you're a target 24/7...
Hone your skills and make sure you're ready for anything they throw at you.

Brennan's Ship Shop: the Lost Ride

Came across some photos marked "random" of a vehicle that I think was designed and manufactured by up-and-coming Lego Artist J-Boy. Since we have been so jam-packed here at the shop as of late, I can't remember when it was taken.

Have a look...

J-Boy's "Lost Ride"

Friday, April 22, 2011

earth is God's artwork

This part is in my head: "Write your devotionals already!
This part is, too...weird: "I know! I know! But this stuff just appeared in your mind's thought bubbles so you need to write it down before you forget it."

On my way back from further than Fort Worth while sitting in traffic, some gems of truth came to me and I wanted to get them on virtual paper before they disappeared.

As far as the scientists using man-made aging technology (carbon dating) that is, well, man-made ergo flawed and destined to fail like the Delorean, I can't wrap my head around people being totally cool with the earth being a few trillion years old, but not with the Bible being true and that God could create things that already appear aged because, like any artist, not everything painted on the canvas is supposed to still have that new car smell.

Some things are supposed to be older, filled with character and wonder. It'd be boring to have everything shiny. Um, there's no doubt why the older Star Wars movies rock. Those spaceships and towns have character. Style. Their appearance alone tells a story.

As far as Darwin's little'd really be a bummer to actually have come from a fish. Yea, my grandpa, he's a dolphin. No, really...

A rustic mudball hurtling through the vast black emptiness alongside infinity other planets and stars is older than we can count and sputtered to life from a single speck? That is what passes for "acceptable" to reasonably thinking people. What? And more importantly, why? And then another, what?!

People's belief in the Big Bang sandwich with a side of evolution - apparently unbeknownst to them - requires a great deal of faith in things they cannot control, let alone replicate. Hm, sounds familiar. However, my faith is in a creative Controller over the whole situation. A meticulously planned out scenario helmed by a Creator who simply wants us to love His creation instead of constantly trying to rip it apart.

The universe, the Bible, you, me...all His.

Instead of trying to read into things, try to just read.

thoughts, life stuff, yada yada yada

"Let sleeping dogs lie."

Ever heard that? It means - at least to me - that the past is buried, the present is now, the future can be what we make it. Don't go digging if you're scared of what you may uncover. Allow the people in your life to be the change that they are illustrating on a day-to-day basis.

Don't condemn them for things done long ago. That makes you a judge. And you probably didn't go to law school so that makes you guilty of impersonating an officer of the court...or something. It's bad. Makes you look bad. Makes the person you're slamming the gavel down on feel bad. Creates badness all around. Bad.

"It's not always rainbows and butterflies. It's compromise that moves us along."

Ever heard that? Maroon 5. She Will Be Loved. Great song. Greater message. Life is certainly not a bed of roses. Maybe a bed of thorns, but not roses. We all know that unless we're high as a kite 24/7. Life is tough. That's why God means for us to find our one true partner and team up against this life that apparently has it out for us.

And when we find that soul mate/partner in crime, we should have their backs. Honor their attempts at godliness, help them when they fall short of it. Life is trial and error. One long practice before the big game. Rally them on! The world has enough obstacles and barriers already, so stop being an extra one for your significant other. Finding a common ground on every issue is key to finding a common happiness.

One last thought o' this day that I had a few moments ago. It literally popped in my head, so I think God may have given it to me to write on this blog post. And if you think God can't talk to people, or it's just a voice in your head like you're a schizophrenic or something, put the meds down, you don't have five people living in your skull...or maybe you do, but God can and will speak to you if you listen. Maybe tell the other guys in there to pipe down. Anyhoo...

I was told this. With so many people trying to prove it wrong, the Bible must be right.

I'll leave ya with that...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

B v. Vader - The Complete Story

we're ticket scalpers

We are here as ticket scalpers to the big game. The more tickets we hand out, the better our seat inside. Entry and salvation are free.

"I can ride a two-wheeler!" - a guest blog by A

E can ride a two-wheeler!! No more training wheels! A few days ago Brennan and his dad were out running errands when E asked to ride his bike. I decided, since there were tools lying around, to raise his training wheels a bit. BUT that wasn’t good enough for E. He wanted them OFF! He said he was not a baby anymore and that I could save those for the next one. That made me laugh.

So, alright… I took those baby training wheels off and eager E jumped on his bike as I held the handlebars and seat.  I began the mom thing - instructing and cautioning - preparing him for the worst.

“…and if you fall down you just gotta get back up and do it again, because everyone falls down when they are learning.”

SO running behind this invincible 4 yr-old, holding the seat… he was off. “Whet go!” he yells. Okay. So, I did. Running alongside to catch him. He got it. He really got the "go" part. The tricky part came to "stopping." Slamming your brakes with training wheels was no biggy, but on a two-wheeler that means you also have to catch yourself. So he learned the basics: pedal, coast, brake, catch.

He went up and down the road (a large hill.) E’s favorite thing to say was, “Wook! I keep making you run!” He just loved seeing me chase after him. Hot. Sweaty. Yep - a funny spectacle of a mother for any onlookers, I’m sure. After way too many times up and down that road hill, E was ready for Brennan to come home. It was going to be his BIG surprise! He warned everyone not to tell Brennan. Only he would get that honor.

Brennan and his dad finally arrive home. E could barely contain himself. He ran up to him,“I have a surprise!!! I can ride a two-wheeler! Wook!” as he held up his training wheels. He also handed him a plastic fireman's hat full of eggs that he had gathered the day before at an Easter egg hunt. He said that they were his and Brennan's to share. It was his "first surprise." So proud. 

Now it was time for E to show Brennan he could ride without the training wheels. This time I thought, now E gets to make him run. Yep, that’s what they did. Up and down the road hill. Precious.

(This is the first of what may be many guest blogs by my wife and side-by-side guide in life, A.)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Brennan's Ship Shop: Rides on the Road

Here at Brennan's Ship Shop, not every custom ride makes it into the photo gallery machine before it departs for the open highway, or battlefield. Sometimes, we have to catch 'em on the road.

And then we give the photos appropriate captions to match. Like these two...

"Pawn to King's 6." - photo pieces made possible by J-Boy.
"I made my own lightsaber with spare droid remains and so can YOU!" - photo pieces made possible by E.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

John 12:12-19 AND Isaiah 42:1-9

I'm tandeming my devotionals with verses our church has asked its members to read during Holy Week. So, without further ado...

Read John's stuff here and then read Isaiah's stuff here and then read my stuff about their stuff.

John's Stuff

For any of us that have spent any time in church, or better yet, seen at least one of the many Jesus movies on TV- perhaps Passion of the Christ on DVD? - know a little something about Palm Sunday, whether you know that's what its called or not. It was when the people of Jerusalem and its nearby suburbs came out in droves to lay their cloaks - or palm tree leaves - out so that Jesus may cross over them, in a gesture of respect and honor, during His last week as a man on earth. Though they did not know that then.

Well, back up a day or maybe a little less than 24 hrs, to where John begins these passages. Jesus was just outside Jerusalem. He rode on a donkey towards the city as the villagers and Passover visitors ran to greet Him. They didn't realize it then, but this gesture, Jesus on a donkey, fulfilled an Old Testament prophecy about the chosen Messiah. Looking back, the people were like, "Oh yea! That's right. Duh." Jesus had made another OT prediction come true. Just rackin' 'em up!

So there was Jesus, palm leaves and cloaks padded his path on the way into Jerusalem. The people shouted "Hosanna!" which meant "Save me" or "save us." (Learned that in church this past Sunday. Yay for learning!)

The people who had seen Him do miracles, the ones who had seen Him raise Lazarus from the dead, walked with Him. Others ran out into the city to tell of Jesus' arrival. Many thought He was there to be king of Israel. To lead them back to glory. To create a new kingdom so that they may bask in it.

Little did they realize, the Kingdom was already built. Heaven, hello. Been there since time started up. Jesus was amongst them to make sure that they would know the directions how to get there and had a VIP pass when they did. Amongst a million other wonderful things, Jesus was also a mapmaker. His map, however, only had one place on it, and only one step for the route there, but I challenge anyone to find a better one. And as our Guide neared...

John tells us that the Pharisees knew something was amiss. They heard the crowds. They heard that Jesus was coming. They saw the people adoring Him. They then conspired to put an end to it all...or so they thought.

Isaiah's Stuff

Isaiah passages offer us hope. To me, that's the overwhelming emotion in the words. "He will not shout, He will not raise his voice in public." Jesus is gentle. Gentle with us and with the world. Despite everything, He is gentle when we need Him to be. When we hurt or are on the verge of breaking, like "the bruised reed," He will not break us. Actually, He'll heal us. Fix us. Make us better. That's what He does for us. For His children.

"He will not falter or lose heart." He loves us. There, I said it. L-O-V-E. Deal with it. You can't get away from it. When the world, and even when some of the people we care most for and most about, falter us, or lose faith in us, Jesus will not as long as we continue have faith in Him.

Jesus tells us that He'll take us by the hand. As kids, that made us feel secure when our parents held our hands. Especially when we were unsure of where we were or where we were going. Don't fool yourself, we're all still lost. Little sheep "baah'ing" in the wind. We need Him to hold our hands. He can hold both of mine if He wants.

Jesus tells us that we will be a light for those who are in the dark. It always, for me, goes back to being fishers of men. And not the "catch and release" kind either. We must get those who we have caught up in the Holy Spirit Net and teach them how to fish. We must spread the Word where there is no word. We must take the Word to those who can't come to it. And it's not like we're alone in this. Jesus tells us that He's guiding us there. He is everywhere we are.
He wants you to reach as many people as you possibly can...and then reach three more. He has made all this. And by "all this," I mean literally look around, peek out the window, grab a book, Google anything...He made it. And He rightfully wants others to know about it.

Isaiah finishes up this section with Jesus reminding us that He has fulfilled things past prophesized, and that He will tell us about future things before they happen as well.

Jesus is past, present and future. He always was and always will be. Take heart in that. Take comfort in that.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Brennan's Ship Shop: Palpatine's Pillager

Seems a lot of Imperial rides are coming through this shop lately. But, hey, they gots the money right? Them Rebel boys...shoestring budget if ya catch my drift. Anyhoo...

This next one's called Palpatine's Pillager. Named after the Emperor and designed for quick battlefield maneuvers...or for just running through other kiddos' Lego builds, which we then have to hear about and lay down some quick Jedi law enforcement on the perpetrator.

Palpatine's Pillager

Palpatine's Pillager's aerodynamic design allows for surprisingly good miles per gallon.

The Pillager joins a raid on a small Jedi camp on Tatooine.

The raid is led by a Sith named Weird Red Bug-Eyed Alien.

The Pillager sideswipes a Jedi on a Ton Ton. Wave to Luke in the background...

But, like any Imperial swine, he who has the upper hand - in this case, the Pillager - will take 'em all out. Friend or foe. Crazy Stormtroopers...

Oh, hey, FYI...

you're kinda dumb if there's no wisdom behind your "smarts"
One of my new slogans I think. Just made it up. Gonna test drive it. See how it does...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

E can ride a bike!

Attention Target shoppers....Today. Right now. As of this afternoon, E can now ride his bicycle without those pesky training wheels! That's right, folks! You heard correctly. Our lil' 4 yr-old superkid knows how to ride a bike!

More on this awesome story from super special - and first ever guest blogger - A coming soon...

Brennan's Ship Shop: Roll On Over

Got an order for a new ATV today. Figured with the ongoing battles of the Lego Wars happening across the apartment-verse, this vehicle needed to allow for more than one dude to ride on it. And also ride a little higher...or at least a little higher than the guy you're trying to roll over.

The Roller-Over-Er

The Roller-Over-Er's raised dual front and rear axles allow it be slightly higher than most Imperial or Rebel rides.

Only Clone Troopers with red capes can captain these monsters.

The multiple seating arrangement allows the Red Cape Captain to have a few worker bees to assist in hassling the locals.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Wrong always tries to trip up right in the game of life. Equip right with a lightsaber next time.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

1 Peter 2 Devotional

Take a gander at 1 Peter 2 here and then surf back on over here to see if you think like I think.

Peter, as a whole, throughout pretty much this entire passage, is talking about living godly in an ungodly world. Being cool in a not-so-cool society. And this version of "cool" is defined by not reacting with your first gut instinct to life's daily curveballs. Like a pro in the majors, let the first pitch go by. Swing at the second.

Peter asks us to brush hypocrisy, slander and hate off our shoulders. Instead, take up humility and compassion lessons. Good for your soul.

However, these instruments aren't like the popular guitar and piano. Nope, these are pretty much unliked and misunderstood. Often sitting on the shelf or in a pawn shop. Nonetheless, you need them if you want to be closer to God and further away from your old self.

Jesus wasn't a popular guy. He just wasn't. He undermined the status quo and the higher-ups didn't like someone shaking up the religious economy. He ruffled feathers. You will also ruffle feathers if you're doing what you're supposed to be doing. However, don't be all giggly and malicious as you ruffle. You do this for Him, so you better do it in style.

There is a bonus Peter tells us. Jesus, whom God placed as the cornerstone of our faith, is there for us like the perfect basket to put all of our eggs of trust in. Lean on Him and you're not falling down. However, choose not to believe what He's all about, and get ready for a fall.

Speaking of which, Peter says that many people, from the jump, were destined for that fall because they will never choose to believe. You and me? We are part of God's chosen team. Maybe not the QB's, but that's cool. Pays the same no matter the position. And we're good because we're leaning on a solid column in Jesus. Unbreakable.

Peter mentions, as is a common theme I see in my travels throughout the Bible, that our souls are constantly being tugged and targeted and put through the wringer by Sin and temptation. While this is great for honing our faith and sharpening our godly wits, it is a struggle nonetheless for many. Despite all this, Peter calls for us to shrug it off and behave like Christians while we live amongst the pagans. This seems right on, because the best way to teach someone how to be right is to act right around them. Right?

Peter asks that we submit to earthly rulers as well, not as an act of worship, but as a testimony to the model behavior God's people should portray.

'Fear God, honor the emperor." This pretty much means, "sure you're under this dude's thumb, technically, and should pay taxes or salute or whatever, but do this and everything else because you understand, praise, love and behold the awesome power of God." And you should only want to do right by Him who did even more right by you.

Peter finishes this section by reminding us that Jesus never once retaliated back during the litany of unjust actions hurled against Him. Instead, he took the high road. Plus, even He believed that the judging and subsequent punishment for all those who wronged Him wasn't for Him to decide. God has the ultimate gavel. He's passing out the convictions...

Brennan's Ship Shop: A Jedi Knight Out!

Things have slowed up a bit at the shop, so I took the time to create the KnightBot II (aka Jedi Knightbot.) Check him out!

Jedi KnightBot

Perhaps Vader bit off more than he could chew?

Looks like it... it IS like it. Vader's out!

No duel today.

Brennan's Ship Shop: A Knight Out

Here at the shop, we don't just rest on our laurels with insanely awesome custom Lego rides, we also build insanely awesome custom Lego robots when the mood strikes us. It struck earlier today.

KnightBot I
KnightBot I combines raw robot power with savvy axe moves and a laser cannon arm.

Brennan's Ship Shop: "Try n' Escape!"

Things are so hectic around the shop, I sometimes miss the other guys' radical designs. Check out this custom motorbike from J-Boy! We call this triple photo treat, "Try n' Escape!"

TwoWheelski Deluxe

The TwoWheelski Deluxe is customed out!

Although it's got the speed... can't outrun the long spear of the law!

Brennan's Ship Shop - Business is BOOMING!

Wow. The shop is slammed busy this week. Okay, fellow buildmaster E asked - sternfully requested? - a few extravehicular toys, so here they are:


Punkinface's Putt-Around

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sticks, stones AND words can hurt you...FYI

Just had a random thought. As a kid, I learned that annoying little playground jingle, "Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" that we talk-sang to the bullies and other kids who hurled insults at us or whatever while trying to squeeze in as much enjoyment as we could during a rapidly vanishing 30-minute recess.

Like anything, with repetition, things become second nature to us after overuse. Okay, words aren't harmful. Check. As long as I'm not beating a fellow student to death with my math book, he'll be fine at the end of the day if I call him a "loser" or whatever. He won't be permanently messed up, maybe telling his story ten years later on Maury Povich dressed as a woman. What?!!!! This is ridiculous to teach the kids! Do people still do this?

Of course words hurt! It's the stick scrapes and stone bruises that can be seen, therefore proper medical procedures can be administered to them, ensuring they heal and disappear. The word damage is internal. Its effects can't so easily be seen and tends to scar the person that was stung with them. As kids, we had this little saying in our back pockets, but I clearly remember words hurting. Why were we taught this?

It is sayings like this, coupled with all the other jacked up stuff society throws at kids, that can turn people into monsters when they hit adulthood. They think they can pop off any words that come to mind and there won't be any long-term damage to anyone caught in the wake.

This is so frustratingly mind-boggling to me...partly because I have been known to verbally slice people up and down like a verbal ninja on crack, and not even think twice about it. What? I didn't physically harm them so what's the prob? The prob, old Brennan, is that while there may be no physical damage...the emotional carnage can be devastating.

Easy fix though: Keep your mouth in check. Forget about that goofy saying. Words are bullets.

New saying for the kids: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but...wait, okay, words can always cause permanent internal damage so why don't we all just be cool instead?"

Brennan's Ship Shop: Imperial Icer ATV

Got a request for a new ride, so I pieced this together for my client & fellow builder, J-Boy.

Imperial Icer ATV