Monday, January 31, 2011

"today you" tomorrow

It occurred to me that even though you are the same person, literally, day in and day out, you are not necessarily the same, you know?

The person we were yesterday could very well be different as night and day from who we find ourselves being today. For me, I sometimes call it "yesterday Brennan" when gauging things from yesterday that spill over into today. For example...

"Yesterday Brennan" really put me in a bind today by not going to the store and getting me some groceries - specifically Diet Coke - for today. He certainly could have. He had the time. Had the transportation. But today, A is training for a new job and she has the keys to the SUV with her. Not her fault. I blame "yesterday Brennan."

Another mental illustration is...

When A and I were househunting months back, a common theme kept reoccurring: credit. My credit wasn't great, or good for that matter. We couldn't get a house. I joked that "20-something Brennan" really messed up "30-something Brennan." Because he did.

I eventually got my credit higher and within loan range, but then other random home purchasing headaches occurred - namely my profession at the time in the TV biz - that mortgage underwriters simply didn't jive with. Oh well, worked out for the best. Although this house is lovely, it isn't for us anyway so renting proved to be the way out of the maze.

And while I am not advocating blaming someone else - even the "you" of 24 hours, 48 hours, 5 years ago - for problems that you actually brought on yourself...wait, does that make sense? Probably not. However, it is something to talk about.

Just remember that "today you" is tomorrow's "yesterday you." Make sure all parties like each other.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

don't ask for a Band-Aid when healing is what you really needed

This may be random, I am trying to remember the conversation from the car to the best of my limited memory's potential. Plus, I think that God spoke through me during some of it, because already parts have escaped me...

Do not ask God for a Band-Aid to cover up your worries, your problems, your fears, your scars. Ask Him to heal you of them. Alleviate you of them. Take them on. He can take the stress of your world and toss it in the trash can of your life's desktop. Erasing it all, leaving you less burdened and more free.

Life is such a gift. One most of us don't even see as a gift, but rather as a given. Something we deserve and have simply because. NO! It is a gift just like Legos are a gift to a child on his birthday. Just like flowers are a gift on Valentine's Day. Like something someone gives you because they think you are special and deserving of it. We are all special because we have life.

The problem is, that we are so consumed with the "what ifs" of losing, altering, changing, defaulting on this life, that we never begin to enjoy it. I likened this to A in the car to our boys receiving a new Star Wars guy, but for fear of never letting him get damaged, they keep it on the shelf to collect dust. What kid is gonna do that? None that I know. So why do we, as adults, accept this life we are given, but instead of ripping open the package and enjoying it, we guard it, for fear of what may never be.

Jesus said that heaven is filled with those who have the faith of a child, yet as adults, we illustrate none of that. No more do we pause at the genuine wonder of what life is. Just that. Not try to dissect it or discover some underlying meaning of it. Wait, you want an underlying meaning of why you are here?Okay. I got one. Because God gave you a gift.

And I don't know about y'all, but when I give a gift, I like to see people open it. I love to see their faces when they see what they got. How come some of us - almost all of us - haven't opened up that gift yet? Why is it still on the shelf? Why instead do we constantly question why we have it and worry about how we're gonna one day lose it?

If you only worry about the past and the future, you get no presents.

Worry breeds undue stress. Physically and emotionally damaging stress. A ton of it. Like "bring in the big yellow Tonka trucks" ton of it.

Constantly worrying about what may or may not happen is like worrying,"I may be hit by a bus today" everyday, all day long. Sure, that'd be horrible, but if you can't control it, why allow it to control you?

This blog has always been about honesty. Honesty about me, my fiancee A, our kiddos, our lives. And to keep in the spirit of that honesty, I try to relay the true happenings of our journey to you readers. I hope I don't come across too honest for some, but them's the breaks.

And while, sure, there are some things about our day-to-days that most of you will never know about, it is my hope that the stuff I do talk about is the most universal. Can do the most good. Can reach the most people. Remember, I'm no expert. I'm just a role model-in-training trying his best to live out this gift God gave me...

...that has the coolest customer service department idea of any gift I've ever heard of: The hotline to the manufacturer is open 24/7.

painting by Akiane Kramarik

Saturday, January 29, 2011

this little blog o' mine

Again, a lull in the system. I haven't posted for a few days because, quite frankly, nothing has really happened. And who wants to read about nothing? However, as nothing was happening, I was still talking about this here blog thing I got goin' on. I want to syndicate it. Like, in newspapers and magazines and stuff. I'm looking into possible landing spots for it next week. I hope I have a taker.

And in this syndication talk, I have realized something about this blog. If nothing else ever comes of it, I do believe it has served it's purpose quite well. It has allowed a number of people to get to know me who would of otherwise not gotten - or wanted - the chance to. It has allowed a window into our world with the kiddos and the Legos and the Ghost Whisperer marathons. So, whatever becomes of this blog...

My future mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparents-in-law (is that a thing?) and pretty much all of A's family she holds dear...they now know me. For better or worse, they know me...and my affinity for cartoons and toys and Jack in the Box and these 7 kiddos I call my own.

Additionally, it's great that my mom and my fam members get to see some of the day-to-days of A, M, J-Girl, Lil' A, Lil' B, G, J-Boy, E, a Min-Pin named Kami and I.

Who would've guessed it?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

homeless kiddos

No, not ours. But, yesterday A and I went to an event called "The Face of Homelessness" at Collin College where we learned that there are literally hundreds and hundreds of homeless students in Collin County alone. Some are what they call "doubled up" meaning two or more families living in a single-family home where the conditions are substandard...and then there are some children that live in cars with their parents and siblings.

I had remarked to A not too long ago that as we walk the streets of Downtown Dallas, that it was weird - and fortunate - that we never see kids. I guess it never dawned on me that they, too, like every other kid, are in school. They just don't get to "come home" to a proper home.

There is hope though, for some. Several organizations are already in place helping the families with children keep them in school, as well as help the parents attain housing and jobs. But, obviously, it's not an overnight process. It takes months and months. And most of these organizations, like our a couple bucks & a Bible homeless outreach ministry, require constant donations and public funding to operate. And in a time of universal economic woe, things could definitely be better.

Now, more than ever, our hope is that people turn to Jesus for the support that only He can give.

We are.

Monday, January 24, 2011

lie vs lie

Okay. Interesting territory. We all know lying is bad news. You shouldn't do it. You shouldn't associate with those that do. Kindergarten 101. That and sharing, but I don't feel like sharing this post with "sharing," so simply lying it shall be...

Which, we ALL do. Everyday. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. This whole topic got started from a Lifetime TV movie that A and M were watching the other night...that ripped a good ten minutes of my life away when I happened to pass through the living room during that fateful time slot.

The movie was - of all things - about an author who ghostwrites other people's books, and a yuppie doctor. Both vying for the heart of the central female lead. Riveting...and ground-breaking. So fresh!

I peeled myself away from the chair and went - I think I merrily skipped - back upstairs to Legoland thinking that was that. But, that was not that. Ugh...

The next day on the way to church, this same movie reared its ugly head in the car. This other lady character had the nerve to LIE about writing those romance novels when it was really "what's-his-face" writer dude the female lead liked. This other lady was taking all the credit and "lying" to the world. Um...

I was literally having to say don't base life decisions on a Lifetime movie. The way the whole "story" was set up was bogus and unrealistic to begin with. And ghostwriting is a respectable job. Has nothing to do with lying. Yet, A and M saw it as portraying such and I was dragged kicking and screaming into a word match with them about lying.

In A's defense, teaching kiddos about the intricacies of falsehood is not a path to be taken lightly. In the wrong hands, stretching the truth can be catastrophic.

(UPDATE: After a talk today, A no longer sees ghostwriting as a lie. She sees it as a job people do to help the "author" get their story on paper.)

My argument was - and still is - that sometimes it's okay to lie. Shocker! But wait...there's more!

Lying for the sake of lying, or worse, for the intent to harm someone, is horrible. Lying for a malicious intent has no place in decent society. Bad guys and supervillians do that kinda stuff. Boo. Hiss. However...

Lying to feel good in one's own skin (ie. makeup, hair color, extensions, spray tans, yada, yada...) is fine. Lying to save someone's life (ie. hello, the people who hid Anne Frank!) is perfectly acceptable. And commendable. And then ya got guys who buy engagement rings and have to lie about going to pick them up, excellent ghost-written books by ficticious Lifetime movie actors, Santa Claus...

The trick is, to call a lie a lie. There's either truth, or there's not. Grey is for hair and trendy wall coloring. Not for when it comes to what is, and what isn't. The lie's ultimate goodness relies ultimately upon its intent. Just be upfront and honest with yourself about the fact that you're lying.

Trying to spin word magic and rationalize a lie into a tasty ice cream sundae is ridiculous, and messy.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

today's discoveries

So I took Lil' A to a friend's birthday party. In McKinney. It isn't that it's too far from homebase or anything. It is that the entire area seems to be devoid of places I want to eat, yet full of people. People who obviously don't eat Jack in the Box. Or at least, know of a secret one not on the maps or anywhere on this plane of existence. I think there's at least a hundred people per Bruno Mars song played on any given radio station per hour up there. We're talking rapid overpopulation ahead if these numbers stay on course. And we're about to move up there. Ahhh!!!

Plus, I didn't have break-y, which makes for a hungry me come lunchtime. I dropped off Lil' A and said hello to a few parents inside the party, then bid them all adieu while they celebrated and I shopped. For such glamorous things as paper towels and toilet paper. A house nine people deep with seven of those people being kids. You do the perforated TP square math...

So after a trip to the store, I began hunting the elusive Jack in the Box you may have seen in National Geographic. Who knew that it wasn't indigenous to that area of North Texas? I figured, "Surely I'll see one on the road somewhere."

Much to my chagrin, all I saw was every other restaurant on the planet. Plus, there have got to be more random pizza places and no-name banks crammed into the Frisco/McKinney area than I thought humanly and geometrically possible. I'm no financial wizard, but I don't see the sense in keeping money in "The Bank of Eldorado Street" versus a national outfit like Citibank. Either way your money disappears like socks in the dryer, but at least your lawyer and the judge will have heard of Citibank.

At one point, after leading the ship astray following the sun and moss on the trees, I consulted the cell phone GPS. Eureka! There was a Jack in the Box...about 4 miles back the way I came and further - further?! - up I-75. And to make matters even more zany, the exit to the street where this lone North Texas JITB called home was jam packed with cars, trucks...and maybe even a tractor or two. Was everyone else also hungry for the $3.99 Jumbo Deal?

Of which, I did order and eat while I awaited the time to pick up Lil' A from her party, which had now moved to Gatti's Pizza. A random pizza joint. Good, but no Cici's. However...

Back to the food. As I ate - and then upon a reflection of what I just ate - my eyes drifted from my tray, out the window and across the street to...a McDonald's. I had passed at least two of those on my Columbus-esque journey for the fabled "New Jack," and now as I stared longingly at it from my booth seat...I wished I had eaten there instead. A couple crispy snack wraps with either chipotle barbeque or salsa roja...that'd been the ticket.

Nevertheless, food had been fed. To me. And while good, I can't help but reflect back on my greasy, fast-prepared meal like...


"Slow, subconscious mind-induced torture upon the rest of my body" is what I came up with. And with that new found notion - obviously destined to be forgotten by dinner tonight -  I departed my discovery for a last minute top secret mission before scooping up the 10 yr-old from the party.

She had a good time. Got some blue stuffed animal dude and a dolphin from one of those coin-ops and a bunch of party favors. Some of those favors were bubbles. Which she then gave to the boys when we got home. Hm. Bubbles are sticky, right?

Friday, January 21, 2011

mobbed up


The first attacker jumped on me from above. I didn't see him through the spray of light coming off the streetlamp (ceiling fan light) above us. He landed on my back and hooked in for the long haul...

The second attacker hit me around the waist, then slid down to grapple my feet. Maybe he's a cage fighter, I don't know. He had my ankles and wasn't letting go. I almost fell two or three times, but a nearby wall saved me...

The third attacker was less finesse, more wild man with a head-on steamroll approach. He came at me while his cohorts were wrapped around my neck and my feet. I was doomed until...

My sidekick stepped in. He jumped on the dude at my feet, rendering him out of commission. He'd be trying to pry off that little guy for days. That just left the guy around my neck and the wild man who I learned to dodge and spin away every time he came at me. He twirled into the alley dumpster (couch cushions) more times than he'd like to remember.

Strange that it's every two weeks on the dot that I am repeatedly mobbed by this same crew in a consecutive three day grouping. Even more bizarre? That there's always this little ninja sidekick dude who comes to my rescue each time. Sometimes he's even dressed like Iron Man. Wait. Come to think of it. My attackers are sometimes dressed like Batman, Spider-Man and a clone trooper from Star Wars. Weird...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

blogdentity crisis?

Quite possibly suffering from some sort of identity crisis like a freshman in high school, you may have noticed I am toying with different looks for this blog. Never one to keep the furniture quite the same for too long, I like to freshen up the joint from time to time to keep things my mind.

Of course, it's the same old furniture in the same old room, but, like many maniacal things, it's psychological. In my head. Not sure the popular kids will like my blog better just because I went from penny loafers to low top Converse All-Stars. But, hey...

I like the new Star Wars comic book page in the back, don't you? It has Luke, Darth and Artoo! Three-for-one special!

Oh, I think not too long ago someone - may have been one of my friends - said they used to rock penny loafers with dimes tucked in 'em. Not pennies. Dimes. Please. Joke's on them! Everyone knows that dimes are smaller than pennies thus making them less monies. Just ask E.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"what am I smelling?"

That's what E says all the time. At first, I just thought our lil' dude was curious what he smelt, like when we ask, "Mmm, what's that heavenly aroma coming from the kitchen?" However, nope. That's not it.

Allow me...

"What am I smelling?" vs. "What's that smell?"

These two questions are different down to their very core. While the latter demonstrates, first, the idea that the person knows what smelling is and what different smells mean; and second, that upon you telling them what's smelling up the joint, they will have a their "a-ha, of course, pecan brownies" moment.

The former is vastly opposite. When E asks "what am I smelling?" he is actually seeking to learn from nothing. A blank slate, free of preconceived odiferous notions. He wants to literally know what he is smelling, so down the road, he, too, can have that "a-ha" moment.

I've thought about this a while. With various smells like the orange-y tangerine mixture thing I have in my office, and yesterday at Spaghetti Warehouse for E's 4th birthday lunch when bread and marinara filled the air.

Just figured I'd write about it...

4 makes you fastest!

Punkinface (aka E) is now 4. So that makes him a big boy. He's bigger than everyone - except for his mom he says. And he's faster. Than anyone.

We had his Star Wars/Iron Man party at the house yesterday and he loved it! There were balloons, lots of presents...and a ton of cupcakes covered with blue icing to make them look like a dinosaur. It wasn't in line with the birthday theme - yet too cool to pass up - so I stood an Iron Man Pez dispenser in front of the Brontosaurus and...BAM!

           Iron Man vs. the Dinosaur!

A comic book waiting to happen. Anyhoo...

Earlier that day we had lunch with A's grandparents to celebrate E's 4-ness. Spaghetti Warehouse was the venue. Inside of their train car/trolly(?) was the place. It was great and E got the first of his b-day presents. Give a wild guess as to what he got. I'll allow a few moments for gift guessing marination...


LEGOS! Yes! Star Wars Legos! And these were sweet! Like, brand new, never before seen Mandalorian dudes. They're from the SW extended universe and they are awesome. Boba Fett was a Mandalorian. 'Nuff said.

And after lunch, and an averted overheated SUV radiator scare, we made it home for naps and playtime before the party. To which my mom, bro and sis-in-law joined us for the aforementioned dino-cakes, a surplus of gifts including an army of Iron Man dudes, more Legos, some pretty cool shirts - one of them reads "Dude" on it! - and a large robot guy that has a smaller guy that sits inside and drives him that was E's apparent front-runner for favorite of the day. So if there's a contest for wins! But we're all winners here, right?

If I'm being honest, I did get a lil' frustrated a few times with the kiddos when I thought a few things were going to go south. Namely: When they flocked to the cupcakes like staples to a magnet, edging E out of the way.

Also mentionable: When the boys began to delegate who got to play with E's new toys, without E being at all involved in the discussion.

I'm gathering the notion along this here journey that kids - usually boys - under a certain age, don't quite fully grasp the idea of some gifts being "not for them." They may very well assume that if there's a new toy introduced into their environment, that said toy is "free game."

Birthdays? So? Christmas? Bah! And while we encourage sharing practically every time we have the kiddos, we also feel the actual present-intendee should get to play with their gifts a bit before they become community property and subsequently lost in the land of Lego weapons and laundered socks.

But, that may just be us. No matter the take on that, the party was a success and the kiddo's had fun. Oh, and E's new Lego guy - a Mandalorian with two guns - is the new master of the other Lego dudes, plus the dude I am, Boba Fett, who is now the "gardener."

Yep, I said "gardener." E means "guard," but so what? I get it. I'm the guard. Gotcha.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

our engagement party

I think we totalled up 40 people or so that showed up to the party. Not too shabby. If you had me list 40 songs or 40 of my favorite foods or 40...people, off the top of my head, not sure I could. It's funny how "40" seems like a low number in the grand scheme of things - and it really kinda is when factored in with, what, that number "41" and his expansive list of older buddies - but that's not even what this post is about so why am I mentioning it? Uh...

So! We had such a great time and feel very blessed our family and friends made it out to celebrate the news of our engagement with us. The house we live in now is big, but 40 people can fill a few rooms quickly. And as I took coats and purses and put them in our bedroom, I stopped to listen to all the people's voices echoing throughout the house. I felt honored to have everyone there for us. For the family.

The pool table appeared to be the guest of honor last night. My friends camped out around it and we all played several games. My bro and dad got in the rotation with us and time stood still. This is what it should be. Family and friends and nothing else. All of them beating me at pool on my own table.

I'm glad my mom got to meet A's mom. I wanted them to talk and share stories and all that jazz. I'm glad my dad met A's dad. Really, I'm very glad everybody got to meet everybody else. The night went just beautifully. A was happy, which, when it boils down to it, is what it's all about for me.

We talked a bit about my books and dreams of others reading said books. Last night shed some light on some potential for that I think. And speaking of books - or blogs rather - this blog...this adventure of mine with A and the kids. That I share with the world. I love it. I love the fact that it has allowed people like A's parents and grandparents, my mom and my dad, and A's aunts, uncles, cousins, and her friends and my friends, basically get to know me. The "me" I feel I have become, am becoming.

Far and away something else entirely than I once was. And for those who understandably had concerns when A and my role model adventure started, they have been able to see into our lives and, even further, got to hop on the roller coaster with us. Going up and down and through the loops. Everyday. Getting to know me and A and most importantly, getting to keep up with the kiddos.

A and I just talked about how much E's physical appearance has changed in the last less-than-year that I've had the pleasure of knowing him. This blog lets us hold onto those memories, those mental pictures...forever. Ah...emotional tangent. Sorry. Back to the engagement party recap where...

Many of our friends and family were visiting our house for the very first time. And they seemed to really like it. A mentioned tonight after dinner - go, Outback Steakhouse! - that she felt bad she hadn't thrown more parties here, on account of us moving next month. The new place is much smaller, but I'm sure we'll host a gathering or three there as well. It's in her blood to be the hostess with the mostest...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

waiting in line to wait

All I could think was "wow." The sheer amount of people waiting in line to get registered to be able to wait in other lines so they can then talk to some advisor who will tell them where to go and wait some more...boggles the mind. I don't remember waiting near that long when I was back in school. Granted, it was a lil' while ago and the planet's population keeps on goin'. Lotta students grow'd up in that time and here they are, college kids.

A is gonna polish off her associates degree and tackle that bachelor's this year. So that meant, waiting for 3 HOURS at her chosen local college to talk to an advisor. They gave us one of those vibrating squares you get at busy restaurants and sent us away to scour the campus-side in hopes of a rattling, blue light blazing coaster to come soon. It didn't. Like I said, it took 1+1+1 hours. That equals three. See, I went to school.

On the up side, I got a personal tour of the library and bookstore by A. She then got some beef jerky and cheese, I got a Milky Way Dark. Those are awesome. They didn't have Diet Coke. They had water - what?! - and Red Bull - huh?! - as the two dismal bevies of choice. I mean, yea, there were vending machines around, but I wanted to compartmentalize my purchasing experience into one fell swoop. Fiddlesticks! (A said she used to use that word. I thought it was cute and funny. Same time.)

Another up side? When we finally did get to the advisor, he informed A that she never really had a set degree plan set up at the school - which is required. She said she knew all along what she needed to take and just checked them off as she went. Sadly, universities and higher learning institutions rely on more than a student's spiral notebook checklist.  Happily, they got her back on track. Degree up ahead!

Oh, and anyone following our charitable homeless outreach cause might be interested to hear that there is a new 4-yr degree offered that specializes in non-profit management. Sweetness, right? I know one young lady aiming to hang that degree on her wall. And one non-profit corporation very happy for her to do so.

Target in our sights

So the move approaches. Away from Dallas proper into the suburbs. And I'm excited about it. For one, there's nary a Jack in the Box near me that I know, and sometimes, I crave me some 2 tacos for 99 cents.

We grabbed E and J-Boy from A's parents' house yesterday*, where I was given arms and subsequently attacked by two knights thereafter. I held my own for a moment, then found that fending off two opponents - one with a sharp sword, the other with a sword and gun - was too much to handle. I fell victim to their clutches and was taken to a train station built by J-Boy. Apparently to await transfer to the dungeons...

However, I was sprung from the train car and we waved goodbye for the moment to A's mom, leaving to round up the other kiddos who were awaiting our arrival at a secret rendezvous point. We made the exchange with their dad and headed to - where else? - McDONALDS!!!

I know it's not the best for them, but it's not the worst either. And it's priced right and, come on, they have a playground. Duh.

The kids ran amok and A and I talked new bedroom with M. This time, she was going to get to have a say in what her room looked like. There was talk of Target and online searching. The ladies - now including J-Girl - and I also discussed upcoming birthday stuff and sleepovers and me hiding away from it all behind the closed doors of the master bedroom. Our new place of habitat has a lot of amenities to offer, some well-suited to the occasional thrown party.

We decided to table that discussion until further notice and skipped on over - not literally - to Target so M could get a first-hand account of what bedding goods were out there. Let me tell you, 7 kiddos all huddled around, or inside, a cart at Target...yea, we were a spectacle. I caught every variation of facial expression as we cruised the wide aisles. Some amused, some confused, some - for some reason - annoyed, but the outward annoyance was most likely an effect of an inner, personal annoyance cause. Anyhoo...

After Target and some small moving-type purchases by A and I, we loaded back up and took the kiddos back to the original rendezvous point for the drop-off. There, for the first time, I formally met their dad and we shook hands.

Nothing earth-shattering, but perhaps a start in the right direction.

(* Funny, reading this feels like having to decipher a military code.)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ding-dong, the Jeep is gone!

Sold the Jeep Wrangler on Sunday. Would've posted before now, but Sunday was crazy, Monday offered up a lovely migraine atop a large to-do list, which brings us to today and...

The sale. It was a snow day. All day Sunday, as many Dallas-area-ites may remember. Around here it wasn't Frosty-building snow, but enough to jar the bones when sitting outside for roughly 45 minutes desperately trying to get the stuck ignition to turn on the Jeep. The buyer was here. With his kid. Waiting. And the thing wouldn't budge. Remember what I said about tests...from above? Yea? Well, this was like a semester exam. Pass or fail type test. Of which, at first, I was suffering from major test anxiety. I didn't bring a pencil or a Scan-tron. I was doomed.

This was the buyer's second look at the Jeep. So we both knew that he liked it. No need to mess with it before getting down to business, right? Ugh. We signed over the title and strolled into the blizzard only to find that the ignition did not want to move - I kept thinking the Jeep was like "I'm not moving!"

Another annoyance in my mind was that we already signed over the title! Should he have a change of heart, this would mess me up in a domino-effect kind of way.  You see, I had a one-week offer from CarMax that was about to expire the next day. They low-balled me real good, knowing the Jeep was worth more than they offered, but they had me over a barrel, which is where most dealerships like to have their customers. Easier to control the outcome that way apparently. So...

I had no where else to turn. I had listed the thing on several websites for weeks with zero response. On a final whim, I added it to a bunch of other stuff we were selling on CraigsList, nowhere near the auto section and - BAM! - multiple interested people. But back to...

...the CarMax deal. It was weak. But it was my only back burner option. And it was about to go bye-bye should this new sale go south, making me toss the signed/ruined title and order a new one - which would take days and days...far beyond the offer period I was given. The key had to turn!

And it finally did. But, only after I took a deep breath and left it to God. I no longer cared if this guy bought it. I was ready to give the man his check back, thank him for coming, apologize for wasting his time. It somehow was no longer a big deal to lose that money we really needed. In that moment...the key turned.

That was 45 or so minutes in the freezing weather. Both of us trying to get that key to budge. I'm just glad I decided to lower the price for the buyer, enough to where he said he couldn't pass it up.

It was sort of bittersweet to sell it. I've had it since my college graduation in 2003. But, after all the drama at the very end, I was pretty much glad to see it go. Especially to a man who knew Jeeps and was going to fix it up for his daughter.

I asked him to send me a picture of it when he's done.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Biohazard at Brennan's!

Holy throw-up, Batman! That's what we are dealing with here. On a grand scale. First J-Boy, then Lil' A, then G, then J-Girl...the only non-infected so far are Lil' B, E and myself. M feels a little woozy - perhaps from the psychological fear of actually getting sick - and A is bed-ridden. It's a biohazard mess of epic proportions...

That was last night. Today, the clouds have parted a little. We see some major scientific breakthroughs and positive healthy signs. The boys say they feel fine and are adamant about saying their not sick at all. Lil' A is kinda mopey - but perhaps side effects of the virus, or just being anti-social. Could be one or the other. But...

A is still trapped in nausea land. Not a fun place. No rides. No games. Just pain. Sick, twisted pain. I got her some meds and we'll see what's what come a few hours. I made her some grub to build up her superstrength, but only time has the ability to tell...

tick, tock, tick, tock...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

"whet me wook!"

If you haven't guessed by the title, we have a new bit o' language of the E kind.

A and I were watching some Xbox happen upstairs as J-Boy, G and Lil' B stopped to look at an instruction booklet that came with the Lego Star Wars II game, and E - the curious dude that he is - wanted to "wook."

"Whet me wook," he shouted over and over again, until I began to repeat it and he gave us that grin. an added E bonus:

Pennies = little monies
Quarters = big monies

He keeps them in a little white box on the window ledge in my office. It's pretty cool. He's got like 15 little monies and 1 big monies in there.

"Slight Judas"

Slight Judas: noun; may be used as a verb at times

A necessary evil, when at first glance, looks to be a roadblock on the path of your life, but upon second glance, has created more opportunity and paved the way for a better outcome.

* * * * *

Allow me to illustrate with a few examples. One definite, one assumed...

The definite. Years ago, my brother, a friend and I went apartment shopping. All three of us were working on Prison Break in the props dept and cash was a-plenty. We wanted a three-bedroom bachelor pad and we spotted the perfect spot: A new complex on Greenville Ave, our home away from work.

So we went in one day, under dressed a tad, but hey, we had the dough right? Well, the leasing people said they had no 3-bedroom apartments to rent, and that's only after they looked us up and down with a scowl as if we had brought in the stench that was there before we arrived.

Got the boot out of there. We just encountered a Slight Judas, although we didn't know it yet.

We then rolled over to another complex nearer downtown - one with the same owner as the Greenville Ave outfit - and they told us that, indeed, the apartments we were just denied did have 3-bedrooms. They just apparently didn't want us around. Nice. So...

Long story short (too late?) we checked out a loft building downtown called the Davis Building, where we ended up living for two years...and shooting a movie in that should soon - please, God, please - be hitting video store shelves and perhaps premium cable.

So, what appeared to be a kick in the proverbial stomach that was our lives, turned out to be a blessing.

And now, the assumed. This morning A wanted some coffee and suggested we hit up Mickey D's early and let M watch the kiddos a bit. I suggested that if we were hitting the road, then I wanted to munch at Jack in the Box. But, that's not a vital part of the story, just the set up...

So I've been trying to sell my Jeep Wrangler and had it parked out front all day yesterday. Well, that's a "no-no" around our neighborhood and our Mr.Wilson's we've been saddled with have been emailing our landlord about us violating the code. Which code? We don't know. And who cares really? Not us! Anyhoo...

So last night, I moved my Jeep back in the driveway, blocking our car. The very car we wanted to take this morning for out breakfast getaway. And as I hop behind the wheel of the Jeep to move it, the ignition sticks. As it has a few times in the past. But this time, it was like moving a mountain. And while I could've "mustard seed'd" the thing with a shot out to God...something told me that we were simply not meant to leave just yet. Stuck, victim to the cold morning air, with a Jeep blocking our way. A Slight Judas.

Turns out, however, that after abandoning the Jeep idea for the Expedition, we hopped on the road and saw I-30 backed up big time. Perhaps by a wreck that, had we left when we originally planned, we would be in. Or fallen victim to. It's uncertain, hence the "assumed" part.

So when you come across a Slight Judas (noun) or you get Slight Judas'd (verb)...don't sweat it. God has a plan.

Friday, January 7, 2011

the desert is like a beach, but without the water

Not that I'm sayin' A and I are like those people who stomped the sands with Moses for 40 years munching on Manna and waiting, waiting, waiting...but we're kinda feelin' like it. 

And maybe our time to shine will come the day I stop complaining and we start listening with our ears, hearts and - oh wow, really? Nice lie, the boys just came in and E said...

               "Kami pooped on the rug!"

...with a disgusted grimace. Ugh...hey, Moses...wait up, man!

* * * * *

And so...back to the desert. The endless marching. The "no end in sight." I've been making that journey for a long time. Just recently, I upgraded to Christian-level seating, but still, sand, sand and more sand.

Back to my line of thought: Perhaps once I stop shaking fists at the heavens, I can start shaking hands with success and contentment. No one likes a whiner, so why would God be any different?

"It was torn-nin apart."

"It was torn-nin apart."

Words by J-Boy just now. He and E have migrated to the rug in my office to play Legos. E told me that...

          "Someone threw the spaceship you made me in the Wego box!"

That's when J-Boy informed me of the sad news that the infamous warship I created for E was, ultimately, "torn-nin" apart. This was especially interesting to hear since this ship was an off-shoot of an even larger, more grandiose supercool ship I had made for E a week earlier, that upon some apparent electrical malfunction with the ship's navigational systems, it took a havoc-wreaking nosedive into the playroom floor yesterday. Pieces. Everywhere. Carnage. Unimaginable.

I think I learned something. Don't assume a ship built today, won't be a heap in a Lego scrapyard tonight. But, no matter the cause of the break apart, the kiddos will undeniably ask me to rebuild the ship as if my name was Boeing.

And I'll do it - or usually a new variation of it since I make them off the top of my head - only to then see it rise like a phoenix from the ashes...and back down again in a blaze of plastic brick glory.

Oh! The life of a Lego construction worker...

it's a school day!

Wow, okay, so...getting 5 kiddos off to school is, um, something. Especially when needing to cart them across not just towns, but counties, to get them there before the tardy bell rings.

At about the crack of the dawn of Man, A wrangled up the 5 oldest, combed hair, got them feed and out the door like a seasoned pro - with only a little bit o' lag here and there by a teenager who shall remain anonymous. I know enough to know that's par for the course.

I think I got whiplash or something, seeing this whole episode take place. At least a neck sprain watching this Cirque de Soleil act in my own house before sun-up, of which the cast is now...

...en route to their respective schools. But not in a clown car or riding on elephants. Nope. They're in the Expedition. All but E and J-Boy, who are Xbox'ing it upstairs with some version of a Star Wars game and two plush Superman toys I found in a spare microwave in one of the upstairs hall closets. The new Fortress of Solitude?

Up, up and away!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

consolidation is key

I can't believe it's been since Monday that I wrote a post for this blog! It seems like such a long stretch of silence for me on this thing. I guess, to be fair, nothing insanely adventurous has gone down unless you count a few networking meetings and a couple "might-be's" in the job category. Been a slow couple of 24-hr slots.

However, today we scooped up E and J-Boy early and toured a potential new place to rest our heads after we leave our current leased habitat. The boys really seemed to like it, as did A and I. Smaller - much smaller - but more concise, and therefore, according to me, more organized.

So we are in the process of consolidating, organizing and CraigListing. I have had a lot of success with Craig and his list over the years...well, until of late, where now my Jeep Wrangler collects dust on their shelf. Sell, you Jeep! Sell! Okay, I'm better now and moving on to...

...finishing up this here post so I can (finally) put up the Christmas tree and help A with the organization of our lives and material surroundings. But, she has to leave in a few to pick up the other kiddos, and that means...LEGO PATROL for me and the boys.

J-Boy just bought himself a Star Wars set with $6 he found (?) in the couch at his other house. Hey, score one for him, right? Possession, they say...9/10. His money. His Legos.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Superman's opposite is Bizarro

Seated at IHOP with A and her grandma this morning, I looked to my left and was shocked to see...a mother condoning - if not insisting upon - her young son's coffee consumption. Coffee. What? This kid was maybe 12. Maybe. Perhaps a somewhat heftier version of 12, but 12 nonetheless. And the mom was instructing him on the correct way to add half & half into the mix.

However, it wasn't the young kid drinking the old beverage that ultimately threw me off, but rather my being so quick to throw a flag at this supposed breach in player conduct. How is letting your kid sip on caffeine-ridden coffee and different than, say, letting them sip on caffeine-ridden coke? Skip to the end: no difference.

So why have I equated the idea of kids drinking coffee to a trip into bizarro-world? An alternate realm where everything is backwards and horses ride people and blue is really green. It always seemed so strange to me. Maybe because neither my mom, nor my dad, nor my brother, nor any of my friends growing up ever touched the stuff. Maybe in other bizarro-world houses just outside my zone, coffee flowed like water. People loved it. Kids bathed in it. Coffee cakes replaced the rubber ducky. I don't know...

But apparently since a record didn't skip and the whole restaurant didn't stop in its tracks at the notion of this child sipping on a grandpa drink, I must be the one outta the loop. I must be the one who needs more worldly knowledge. Get out of my bubble and put my feet in the grass. Bizarro as that feels...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Whoa. Forgot to formally yell - um, type out - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Woo-hoo for 2011! Gonna be a great year. Not sure I can say the same for all doom n' gloom 2012 though. Because as you know...the Mayans and soothsayers and palm readers and Cracker Jack prize openers and fortune cookie makers and horoscope maker-uppers...they say "it's the end!" And it may be...but there's only one person who we should look to declare that. And He's not just a person. He's pretty much the Saviour of our life and entire known universe. But...enough about that, more about...

This. Our very cool and casual NYE plans that A and I shared with my bro and sis-n-law at their house last night. It was chill and relaxing. Wii was played. Quite a bit. Golf. I'm not really that good apparently. The driving and chipping I got. The putting? I need some work.

The girls painted a huge 3' x 4' masterpiece that took them the better part of last night, and some of this morning. It is pretty awesome. And I believe the success of it has created a new NYE tradition. The year-end paint-a-palooza! (That's not what they're calling it. I have no idea where that came from.)

We had a great time away from the craziness of downtown and the way people tend to, not themselves...when fueled by the holiday spirit. Or spirits. Ha, get it? Anyhoo...

Yea. Fun times. Had by us. Hope everyone had a great time doing whatever it is they did.

search for adventure!

Okay, so I added a Google search engine thing on the right. You see it? At the top of the column. Right there. Yea. That's it. And I got the idea from M.

It's pretty much brilliant. I never really thought about it before, but with 130+ posts, some people may want to hyperspace jump to a certain one, instead of flipping through them all like stacks of forgotten vinyl records at a music shop. Or VHS tapes at a...wait, can you even buy a VHS tape anymore? What about cassettes? Doesn't matter. Moving on...

Search on, adventurers!

okay, 2010 and I are friends again

So, a day to reflect back...I guess I may have been a little too hard on 2010 yesterday. While it did sucker punch me a few times on its last day in the sun, the majority of the year was grand, and several life-altering milestones occurred during its 365-day run. Such as...

Meeting the kiddos. Getting engaged to A. Starting this blog. Beginning my (hopefully) successful writing career as a novelist. I pretty much became an adult - at 32! - this past year. And, truth be told, and as A suggested, and as I had written in a previous post, those trifling last events of 2010 were tests from above. And sadly, letting them get under my skin and allowing them to shift the course of my day, they were tests that I failed.

But, wait. By acknowledging that I failed, is that really a pass? Circular logic. I know.

So 2010 and I are cool again. And I just met this new year, 2011. I hope its nice. To all of us. God bless it and all those walking through it.