Monday, July 18, 2011

I want to live in an empty field with my family...#1

Society is a trap. If someone did everything the ads said to do. Everything their TVs told them to do. Everything the internet shows them to do...they'd have a materialistically shallow version of a life. A hollow shell of what could be and a constant yearning for more because that emptiness will never be filled. In today's case, that pretty much means a massive chunk of the population of earth.

You may live a seemingly wonderful life by doing everything society tells you is the "cool" thing to do. You may appear happy. You may even be able to fool yourself into happiness for a day or so. But, it'll be just on the surface. You can lie to others and to your own face in the mirror, but inside you know you're empty and tired because you are continually attempting to keep up with and appease, if not impress, society.

Crazy alot like the idea of The Matrix - computers notwithstanding - you have to be woken up in to "real life" versus "a worldly life." This happened for me when I met my wife and saw, for the first time, the ugliness behind society's curtain. It is designed to make you a slave. You are under its power every waking moment of the day and don't think for a second it isn't trying to somehow get to you in your sleep.

The constant bombardment of half naked people on the billboards and foul language used in everyday TV shows has numbed you to their effects. Who is society telling you to look like? Be like? Be intimate with? I hope you said your significant other to that last question.

Society tells you that it's okay to look. Window shop the other men and women in this meat market. And it used to finish that idea with "but don't touch," however these days it tells you that touching is now also allowed. Your spouse doesn't mind because either she's doing the same thing or wants to. And if she doesn't, she's been brainwashed by some cult or religion. To that I ask: If the majority of the population thinks that society isn't as bad as poison for them, then who's really been brainwashed?

More to come later....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

family business

When it comes to businesses, an open door policy between the suits and the worker bees is a novel approach to morale boosting and employee ownership.

However... As I have come to learn, such a policy is not ideal in the parental business. We have since adopted a new policy. A "knock on the closed door" policy. Literally. Please, knock before you repeatedly barge into our room. And this isn't even about what you may be thinking this is about. Quite simply, A and I like the antiquated respect-oriented notion of knocking before entering a room. It shows courteousness and self-restraint.

That's our policy. How its holding up? I'll give you some numbers. 50/50.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


A's two paintings didn't get a single award. Sham...

Shame. I mean shame. It's a shame.

well, hello there

About to go up to our church for a ceremony-type-thing where they are showing works from local artists - A has two paintings up there! - and giving out awards and such.

Hope she wins audience fave at least. I saw some of the other paintings up there. Better than what I could do, but not near as good as she does. Not just being biased, just being for real.

On the nonprofit front, I am tinkering with single monthly campaigns that hit a specific area hard and make an impact. Downtown. North Dallas. Mckinney. Wherever. We'd just collect as many donations as possible at the top of the month and at the end, hit someplace with as many Bibles with a two dollar twist as we can. So, there's that.

As far as the web series, I'm lovin' it. Not to steal the McDonald's tagline, but there it is. Hope people out there are watching and loving, too. The numbers are good for a web series like ours with no huge promotions going on or anything. Friends of friends of friends being told in emails and text messages works for us for now.

Check out the show!

marketing poster