Saturday, July 9, 2011

well, hello there

About to go up to our church for a ceremony-type-thing where they are showing works from local artists - A has two paintings up there! - and giving out awards and such.

Hope she wins audience fave at least. I saw some of the other paintings up there. Better than what I could do, but not near as good as she does. Not just being biased, just being for real.

On the nonprofit front, I am tinkering with single monthly campaigns that hit a specific area hard and make an impact. Downtown. North Dallas. Mckinney. Wherever. We'd just collect as many donations as possible at the top of the month and at the end, hit someplace with as many Bibles with a two dollar twist as we can. So, there's that.

As far as the web series, I'm lovin' it. Not to steal the McDonald's tagline, but there it is. Hope people out there are watching and loving, too. The numbers are good for a web series like ours with no huge promotions going on or anything. Friends of friends of friends being told in emails and text messages works for us for now.

Check out the show!

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