Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Heads Up, Seven Up

Well, it's unofficially officially July, so that means we get the kiddos for the month. The whole month. And nothing but the month, so help us God - until next month when we go back to the normal custodial situation.

So...A's on the road to scoop the gang up and I'm sitting here, making sure everything is a go back at home base...waiting for the sacking of the Lego Castle. (Check out the "Lego Castle Time!" post on the list if that one zinged passed you.)

I'm going over the toy stash in my head, and I'm thinking we're sittin' pretty. Even have some unopened ones for those spontaneous gift-giving times to be sprinkled here and there should the need arise. So the boys are hooked up.

As far as the girls, I'm a role model-in training at best. I didn't grow up with a sister. I'm not "Uncle Brennan" to any girls. None of my friends that I mingle with on any sort of consistent basis have little girls. I'm pretty much girl-ignorant.

Luckily for me, A is a girl - all grow'd up - so she gets the big picture. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not totally lost here. I helped decorate the rooms and picked out the original "hey, welcome to your second room in your second house" gifts. I even chose a few cool and girlie accessories without A's assistance a couple times. And the boutique room for M? My idea. So, yea...

A team of seven super-soldiers, all specialized in certain aspects of child persuasion, are coming. And I think at least one of them knows karate. And possibly hapkido.

The team's mission? Have fun. Be children.

My mission? Make that happen.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Adventures in Font Selection

Hey there. Super fast, A hooked me up computer wizard-style with a new title look. The font's from Alice in Wonderland, which is sometimes what I feel like. Except that instead of "Alice" it would be "Brennan," and instead of "Wonderland" it would be "Legoland" or something similar.


I Believe...#4

I believe cheating is always wrong...except for when you can't get passed a level on a video game and you have to go online and get some "invincibility" and "unlimited ammo" codes. Then it's okay.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Old School Life vs. The Kiddos

There's nothing worse than talking to a child and when you mention He-Man, they look at you like you just switched to Spanish. You talk about playing GI Joe as a kid and they say, "Oh, you mean from that movie?" Well, actually I meant from the 1980s cartoons, but okay...

If you mention The Beatles, they'll think gross little bugs. Nothing existed before the PlayStation 2 - and that's a dinosaur. There was no life before cell phones. Computers have always been around. The Internet was created on the Eighth Day.

I like to hip the kiddos to the fact that everything they deem materialistically worthy today, was around long before they were gleams in eyes, but now the stuff is just newer and shinier. Kinda like the exact opposite as in the Star Wars saga where as time goes on, things get older and dirtier.

So, without further ado, here's a list of things from back in our day that the kiddos should know about...

1. The Star Wars saga (obviously)
2. Nintendo NES (so they can fully appreciate the Wii, Xbox360 and PlayStation 3)
3. GI Joe and Transformers were '80s cartoons and comics before they were movies
4. Legos used to be just an uneventful rainbow mess of blocks in plastic tubs
5. He-Man and The Masters of the Universe
6. We used to have something called "VHS" and "video tapes" before DVD players
7. Life was perfectly livable when the Internet didn't consume us all because there was something called "outside"

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lego Castle Time!

Okay, I've spent (wasted?) the better part of my Saturday building a tricked out Lego Castle - for the kiddos, of course! - complete with working drawbridge, catapult and secret hidden castle entrance underneath the waterfall that leads down a narrow passageway that ends up at a door with bars but there's no lock on it so you don't need a key to get inside!

I spared no (time) expense in making the exterior mountain/rock facade seem as rock-y as possible, and I even threw in some greenery to make it all nature-like.

You see, this castle was built into a "mountain" as to increase it's defenses. Also, check out the Han Solo in Carbonite figure inside the castle. Gotta love it!

Please allow the pictures to do the rest of the talking...but be sure to vote in the "How long until the kiddos sack the castle?" poll to the right when you're done!



Friday, June 25, 2010

See the Links?

Real quick, hopefully you've noticed the links to various children's charities on the right side of the blog under the "Give" section. All of them are beyond worthy and would greatly benefit from anything you may be able to spare.

The last link, to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) may seem out of place - but I assure that couldn't be further from the truth. To many, pets are children. Plain and simple. Additionally, the majority of households have at least one pet - typically a dog or cat - and children come into contact with that beloved family member everyday.

In such, they should see that these innocent creatures need love, support, shelter and food just like any boy or girl. Moreso, because they are domesticated, they are usually completely dependant on their owners (AKA moms and dads) to care for them.

The kiddos need to know and understand this in order to stop the cycle of cruelty from continuing. Remember, a pet is someone's child, too.

Ha, I feel like this was an NBC "The More You Know" spot...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I Come in Doses

Well A wanted me to go with her to join the kiddos during their weekly Thursday thing, and part of me wanted to, but another part of me realized that their weekly Thursday thing is their weekly Thursday thing.

I big time feel I should be there to help them become good adult humans as much as I possibly can, but I also see that the kiddos just need their "mom only" time as well. Lord knows I had oodles of that when I grew up. And I turned out okay. Right?

If you weren't aware, I'm a relatively new addition to their lives. Transitions are still occurring. Even right now as I type. Like the cache of Nerf guns upstairs or that bouncy suede couch in the living room, I'm just off the shelf according to them. I do not want to overwhelm them in an already overwhelming situation. A needs her time with them to help smooth out any rough edges and kiss all the boo-boos away. For now, I come in doses.

Sure they ask about me when I'm not there, and even tell A they wish I had come with, but part of being a role model is knowing what's best for the kiddos even when it's in direct conflict with what they want. That may actually be "parenting" in a nutshell.

That, of course, doesn't fly when I say "in a minute" to building Lego houses with the boys and they wait me out until I cave. So, there are definitely exceptions to the role modeling rules...

I Believe...#3

I believe it's not about where you've been, but where you're going. Not about what you've done, but what you are going to do. The past has passed, the future begins today. Make everything count.

Leading vs. Following

It's hard to be a leader. You have to go where no one has gone. Try what hasn't been tried. Do what hasn't been done. Teach what hasn't been taught.

It's easy to be a follower. You get to go where everyone already is. Try what is already being tried. Do what is already being done. Learn what is already being learned.

There's no adventure in following. Hang on - excuse me. The Bat Signal...I must get to Commissioner Gordon at once. Um...carry on, fine citizens. And remember, if you can't spare the time, don't do the crime.

To the Batcave!

I Believe...#2

I believe in hands-on teaching. Those Lego spaceships won't build themselves.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Believe...#1

I believe the children are the future...but more importantly, they're the present. And speaking of presents, they want some.

random thoughts

1. What is dirty can be cleaned.
2. What is broken can be fixed.
3. Patience should be sold in bulk at Sam's Club.
4. Kids like your Xbox360 better than their regular Xbox.
5. In this technological age, it's not their fault they think everything is touch screen, including the 42-inch plasma TV.
6. Who cares who pays the bills? This is "their house."
7. I bet before the saying "don't cry over spilt milk" was first uttered, many a tear were shed.
8. No matter how many times you say "the couch isn't a trampoline," the fact that the cushions are so bouncy wins out everytime.
9. Younger children set their clocks to the sun's rise and fall. It can be nine o'clock at night, but if that yellow ball is still anywhere up there, bedtime is not on the menu.
10. Similarly, the Boston Marathon can start upstairs at 5am if even a touch of light breaks over the horizon. You would think kids need to recoup some of that spent energy at times, but apparently they're solar powered.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

This just in...

News from the battlefront...

Large Gorilla Man was finally toppled from his sniper post on the red table after a continuous bombardment throughout the day. In an uncanny display of teamwork and multi-national cooperation, the combined forces of Lego Star Wars, Lego Pirates, Lego Harry Potter and Lego Knights helped thwart the Gorilla Man and his superhero friends - early reports from the field indicate his "Justice League" team was comprised of two versions of Superman, two versions of the vigilante Batman, Aquaman with a hook arm, Flash and two separate Green Lanterns, one of which this reporter suspects has visited us from the distant past. Spider-Man may also have been on the scene as a spectator of sorts.

No corroborated reports on other party involvement, but unsubstantiated leaks inside the Lego camp indicates WOMB - Weapons of Mass Bombardment - may have been used by one of the sides. In this case: The Nerf Big Bad Bow.

To illustrate just how gruesome the ground looks post-battle, I have to tell you there is Nerf cannon fodder as far as the eye can see. Lego bricks crumble from their walls and small, plastic swords no longer have a warm hand to hold them close. Smoldering in one heap, I think I see Electric Batman's gun...but no Electric Batman.

Men from both sides now tend to their wounded. Repair what is broken. Live to fight another day...


Okay, so the weekend went well. Logged in about a shade under fifteen hours of Lego time - so I should be getting my Lego Pilot license real soon!

The kids LOVED their rooms. M - the oldest - loves her boutique room, and she maybe even said she "feels rich." Jackpot.

While I spent most of my time playing - being held hostage? - with the boys, I did get a little quality time with the girls as they watched TV in the upstairs game room. I got all caught up on "Ghost Whisperer" so I'm set there. Whew!

A little jaunt on Friday to Garden Ridge, then Target, scored us a pretty decent sized pool for the kiddos, a sweet red 10x10 canopy to cover it when they're here - and to use for our own parties when they're not. It's all about versatility.

Also, I was able to fulfill a promise to lil' B about us watching the Star Wars saga together - so Phantom Menace, you are now checked off the list. And only with 234 or so questions asked along the way. Not bad. A kid has to know the Star Wars saga, front and back. Really don't know why, but it's a good thing to put on a kid resume I'm sure...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Reveal

Well, A's on the road and the ex is running late, so 7A looks more like 8A for a morning scoop up. The kiddos are gonna see their 2nd home for the first time and I am pretty - no really! - excited.

I'm excited for them to see the place. The layout. The big back yard. The girls to see their themed rooms - J & lil' A with their funky 'tween rooms, M with her hotel boutique room...and especially (cuz I'm a guy) excited to see how the boys react to the thier pimped out superhero room, complete with side playroom/superhuge walk-in closet stuffed with toys. How awesome it's gonna be to see their faces light up when the only problem is which toy to grab first.

Okay, okay, I may be a bit biased in my choice of rooms, but I'm - again - a guy and I probably still haven't outgrown Legos yet, so this is cool.

So here I am, beginning what may be the first of several blogs about how a life can literally be 180'd in a year's time. No one - and I mean not even my mom - would have pictured me here 365 days ago. A guy dating a single mom of 7? Are you serious? And boy, don't let me get started on how we got here. That may be another blog altogether. But anyhoo...

I'm sitting at my desk in the new house in my new office just waiting. Waiting to see them roll up into the driveway and pile out like a little army. Crazy how that brings a smile to my face just thinking about it...