Monday, November 28, 2011

"Can I be a writer?"

E just asked me that. Um, of course! Last night he showed us his "special sandwich" book he wrote. He folded a bunch of written and colored on memo-sized pieces of paper together like The sandwich, which I promised him we'd make today, has several of the rainbow colors in it apparently, so we'll see how that pans out. Anyhoo...

        "Can I be a writer?"

He was so excited when he asked me that. I love that he wants to write. And look - he's already got a published book! Today he brought in another, larger book that was about, among other things, a "police dragon king horse." In case you didn't know, allow me to break down what "police dragon king horse" means: He has combined the idea of the police Lego man he has, a Lego horse and then these rotating characters called "Dragon Kings" - depending on who has the cape, Lego torso with the dragon emblem on it or knight's helmet at the time. Rules vary day to day.

He was so cute today coming in and announcing he wants to be a writer. April was doing her make-up and kept "ahh'ing." Then he asked...

                 "Do you think it's a good idea?"

I told him, "I think it's the best idea ever, punkinface!"

Saturday, November 26, 2011

time has flown

Well, gang, it has been a bit since I last fired up this blog and I realize that I was mistaken for lumping this personal stuff in with our public outreach stuff. Some of you have expressed your wishes for me to talk more about life with April and the kiddos - apart from our ministries. More like a publicly private family message center. So, the blog is back. I do hope you continue to frequent our other sites to get my devotionals, random thoughts and notes, and daily doses of what I think it is to live a WWJD? lifestyle. Anyhoo...

Time gets away from us when we're not looking. Here it is almost December and we got a baby coming soon. A Christmas baby! Awesome! We've had two wonderful Thanksgiving dinners, one with my side of the family and one with April's. Good talks. Good meals. It has been a blessing. We are truly grateful for those put in our lives.

Hm. Lemme see...things you guys need to get caught up on...M's first high school dance, the fish she (may have possibly) sent prematurely up the sewage river, Baby E's (not to be confused with E the awesome 4 yr-old) Star Wars baby shower and all the awesome things we've received for his room, Lil' A and April getting their stuff into a consignment shop called "Anomaly Shop" in downtown McKinney. There's a lot of stuff.

Check back soon for it!

Friday, November 25, 2011

I'm Seriously!

E has a new phrase that has seemingly – except for random times – replaced his patented “That’s how!”And if you couldn’t tell from the title of this post, his new adamant proclamation after most things he says is, “I’m seriously!”
It’s pretty much awesome every time he says it. It’s kinda like you halfway want to tell him that’s not quite how to say it, but the majority of you wants him to keep saying it the way he wants. Like not telling him yet that just because nickels are bigger than dimes, it doesn’t make the nickel worth more. You know?
So, even though we aren’t trying to defy his ability to grow up, we are, in effect, attempting to defy his ability to grow up too fast.
And I’m seriously about that!

God Makes It Rain!

While we were sitting on the front porch, each of us eating our respective ice creams out of the pint with a spoon, E remarked that two of his older brothers – Lil’ B and G – say they are in charge of their own room. He laughed and said, “But you guys are in charge of their room, Brennan!”
I smiled and nodded, eating my cookies n’ cream. Then E said…
“God is in charge of the whole world. Even the trees. And the bushes. And the cars. And the trailers…even you!”
“That’s right, He is,” I told him.
“But He doesn’t even water the plants,” he said.
I turned to him and asked, “What about rain?”
“Oh yea! God waters the plants with rain,” E replied. “That’s what He uses the clouds for!”

E talks Family

The other day E was in the van while we ran errands and started to talk about when he was older and about having a wife and family of his own. He asked, “When I’m older, will God send me down a house and car before I get married?”
We laughed, but soon realized that this was so close to how God wants us to be. April remarked, “Faith of a child.” The Bible wants us to be dependent on God – and who wouldn’t want to be? That’s the big question. Rely on the Creator of everything for your everything? Sounds like a win-win to me. And it sounds stress-free which is awesome.
I love the one-liners E throws out in pure wonderment and innocence. He is really a lot wiser than his 4 and a half years should garner. It’s so cool.