Monday, November 28, 2011

"Can I be a writer?"

E just asked me that. Um, of course! Last night he showed us his "special sandwich" book he wrote. He folded a bunch of written and colored on memo-sized pieces of paper together like The sandwich, which I promised him we'd make today, has several of the rainbow colors in it apparently, so we'll see how that pans out. Anyhoo...

        "Can I be a writer?"

He was so excited when he asked me that. I love that he wants to write. And look - he's already got a published book! Today he brought in another, larger book that was about, among other things, a "police dragon king horse." In case you didn't know, allow me to break down what "police dragon king horse" means: He has combined the idea of the police Lego man he has, a Lego horse and then these rotating characters called "Dragon Kings" - depending on who has the cape, Lego torso with the dragon emblem on it or knight's helmet at the time. Rules vary day to day.

He was so cute today coming in and announcing he wants to be a writer. April was doing her make-up and kept "ahh'ing." Then he asked...

                 "Do you think it's a good idea?"

I told him, "I think it's the best idea ever, punkinface!"

Saturday, November 26, 2011

time has flown

Well, gang, it has been a bit since I last fired up this blog and I realize that I was mistaken for lumping this personal stuff in with our public outreach stuff. Some of you have expressed your wishes for me to talk more about life with April and the kiddos - apart from our ministries. More like a publicly private family message center. So, the blog is back. I do hope you continue to frequent our other sites to get my devotionals, random thoughts and notes, and daily doses of what I think it is to live a WWJD? lifestyle. Anyhoo...

Time gets away from us when we're not looking. Here it is almost December and we got a baby coming soon. A Christmas baby! Awesome! We've had two wonderful Thanksgiving dinners, one with my side of the family and one with April's. Good talks. Good meals. It has been a blessing. We are truly grateful for those put in our lives.

Hm. Lemme see...things you guys need to get caught up on...M's first high school dance, the fish she (may have possibly) sent prematurely up the sewage river, Baby E's (not to be confused with E the awesome 4 yr-old) Star Wars baby shower and all the awesome things we've received for his room, Lil' A and April getting their stuff into a consignment shop called "Anomaly Shop" in downtown McKinney. There's a lot of stuff.

Check back soon for it!

Friday, November 25, 2011

I'm Seriously!

E has a new phrase that has seemingly – except for random times – replaced his patented “That’s how!”And if you couldn’t tell from the title of this post, his new adamant proclamation after most things he says is, “I’m seriously!”
It’s pretty much awesome every time he says it. It’s kinda like you halfway want to tell him that’s not quite how to say it, but the majority of you wants him to keep saying it the way he wants. Like not telling him yet that just because nickels are bigger than dimes, it doesn’t make the nickel worth more. You know?
So, even though we aren’t trying to defy his ability to grow up, we are, in effect, attempting to defy his ability to grow up too fast.
And I’m seriously about that!

God Makes It Rain!

While we were sitting on the front porch, each of us eating our respective ice creams out of the pint with a spoon, E remarked that two of his older brothers – Lil’ B and G – say they are in charge of their own room. He laughed and said, “But you guys are in charge of their room, Brennan!”
I smiled and nodded, eating my cookies n’ cream. Then E said…
“God is in charge of the whole world. Even the trees. And the bushes. And the cars. And the trailers…even you!”
“That’s right, He is,” I told him.
“But He doesn’t even water the plants,” he said.
I turned to him and asked, “What about rain?”
“Oh yea! God waters the plants with rain,” E replied. “That’s what He uses the clouds for!”

E talks Family

The other day E was in the van while we ran errands and started to talk about when he was older and about having a wife and family of his own. He asked, “When I’m older, will God send me down a house and car before I get married?”
We laughed, but soon realized that this was so close to how God wants us to be. April remarked, “Faith of a child.” The Bible wants us to be dependent on God – and who wouldn’t want to be? That’s the big question. Rely on the Creator of everything for your everything? Sounds like a win-win to me. And it sounds stress-free which is awesome.
I love the one-liners E throws out in pure wonderment and innocence. He is really a lot wiser than his 4 and a half years should garner. It’s so cool.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Paul & I

I am a "B" movie version of Paul the Apostle. Maybe a straight-to-the-dollar-theater version. Maybe a token RedBox throwaway. However, he, more like any other man in the Bible, do I relate to most. I fully expect to have a "thorn in my flesh." Don't know what I'm referring to? Check out 2 Corinthians 12: 5-10.

What if I posted that I won the lotto yesterday? How fast would my inbox and cell phone have blown up with "congratulations" and "can I borrow some...?" I didn't want this position for my own personal praise. I knew taking on this role would bring on mixed feelings and hard times.

I don't mind the insults. I will turn the other cheek to give you a second shot.

I don't mind the accusations that I'm not worthy of this position. God called me to do it and too bad He didn't stop to ask you for permission.

I don't mind anything negative that anyone says. It's expected. Look where I came from. Look at my history. Funny that this same "history" should be testament enough that God must've had a hand in my direction, because I was spinning in circles.

My wife, April, supports me. My children support me. They are my launching pad into the great unknown as I try to spread God's word whenever and however He wants me to.

"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" - Romans 10: 14-15

Acts 9 
2 Corinthians 10

Monday, August 29, 2011

Pastor Brennan?

Today I was given new purpose. My direction has been towards God and His Son Jesus Christ for a little bit of time now, but today, that arrow has been sharpened. Today, I was ordained as a minister. That's right, Pastor Brennan McMahon, at His - and your - service. (Side note: Pastoring doesn't always mean preaching from the pulpit. For the time, I intend to use my office to further grow our homeless ministry A Couple Bucks & a Bible, and to help others along the way with my co-Pastor wife. Of course, whatever God calls me to do with this new title is what I'll ultimately do.)

Funny thing, ordination. Ask me three years ago if I'd ever be a pastor and the words would have lost most meaning before all the letters left your lips. No one saw this coming....except April. She saw early on in our relationship that God had bigger plans for me. Plans I thought were not just impossible, but somewhat funny given my worldy past. And tap those brakes, I wasn't a devil or anything, but. my past was materialistic, meaningless, lazy, blasphemous, sinful...unfortunately, normal.

That's right. I was like society wanted me to be. Lost. Tired. Alone. In need of it. "It" being society. "It" being Satan and his goons. "It" should've been Jesus and I should've been kickin' it with Him from the jump, but that ship has sailed, but thank God, another boat just pulled up to the dock!

Well, here I am, just got my confirmation that I was ordained as an independent minister.  I remember saying on this blog that it'd never be about religion. That didn't last. I remember saying I'd never be a pastor. So much for that.

No matter what YOU have planned, GOD has a better one for you. A better job. Better benefits. Better life insurance.

God Bless from the newest Pastor you know!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Notes - The Book of Genesis

These are my personal notes after reading the book of Genesis. Be sure to check out the external link at the bottom to find out more about something not necessarily mentioned in this chapter, but usually on many people’s minds. But, read my stuff first!


Author: Moses, written 1450-1410 B.C.
Genesis time period: Creation (undated) - 1805 B.C.

Where was the light on Day 1- 3? God created earth’s sun and moon on the 4th day.

Can God, or the Holy Spirit, emit pure light?

Jesus was at the beginning of creation as God’s son, a physical representation of what we humans were to be modeled after on the 6th day. So, Jesus was there, perhaps in the exact form that the Twelve Disciples and thousands of others saw him in years later as he grew up and began to preach Salvation to the world. So, if this is the case, is Jesus technically the first human? Or is it more like when a manufacturer will make a prototype out of expensive materials to show investors, but then when it comes time to mass produce, the product is made of some other, less costly pieces? The product is still a modern marvel, but never as good as the original.

The fall of angels, of Satan and 1/3 of heaven, happened either during the early creation of Eden, or before. Either way, it happened before the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, because its name implies there is such a thing as “evil.”

“Doing evil.” Shorten those two words to read “d-evil.”

Being tempted is not a sin. We have not sinned until we give in to temptation.

Temptation can come in the form of thoughts. If these thoughts are quickly discarded, or run from, then we have not sinned. It is when we dwell on, or act out, the thoughts and temptations that is becomes sin. Paul tells us to run from the things that produce evil thoughts.

A guilty conscience is God’s warning bell that we’ve done something wrong and need to ask for His forgiveness.

How long did Cain and Abel live, how many offspring must they have had, before Abel was killed? Because Cain pleads with God not to cast him out as a homeless wonderer because he is afraid someone will kill him? What “someone?” His sons? His grandkids? Certainly not his father, Adam, or his mother, Eve. Other brothers and sisters of his? Did Abel have no children, ergo, no personal lineage?

Adam and Eve had a multitude of children. They were charged with filling the earth with them. Cain must    have feared other brothers and sisters, or their children, would seek revenge for him killing Abel.

The only odd thing is that Eve is overjoyed with the birth of Seth, whom she assumes was granted to her by God to replace Abel. This implies that 1) Eve had no other children, at least other boys; or 2) that none of them was capable, or good enough, to replace Abel until Seth arrived; or 3) Seth was the next born son after Abel was killed.

It appears Abel never had children of his own.

People lived to upwards of 900 years near the beginning. These lengths of time are contributed to either actually meaning family dynasties lasting that long, not an individual, or that it was literally how long the person lived, citing no cosmic radiation from the absence of rain and sunlight reflection that causes rapid aging, coupled with the notion that God allowed them to live longer to allow for more procreation.

Enoch was “taken” to be with God. If he was literally taken, human body and all, that would mean there are two physical people in Heaven, Enoch and Jesus.

The word “taken” sparks to mind the idea of alien abduction. Did anyone see Enoch get taken? I wonder what their scene descriptions would be if they did. At this point in my studies - which is novice, at best - I am toying with the idea that aliens are more likely demons, maybe sometimes angels, rather than little green men from Mars. Cave drawings and ancient secular scrolls and manuscripts claiming people from the stars came down and interacted with our ancestors could very well could’ve been angels carrying messages, or demons on the prowl. Perhaps Enoch was “abducted” by an angel?

Nephilites were the offspring of “sons of God” and  mortal women. They were the heroes and famous warriors of the time. They were considered giants. Are these “sons of God” the angels, or fallen demons?

Angels or demons do not reproduce, so “sons of God” might not be referring to them. Another theory is that these “sons” were descendants of Seth who intermarried with Cain’s descendents. This may have weakened the good influence of the bloodline and created a wicked lineage.

Goliath was thought to be a Nephilite. Some scholars believe them to have been nine or ten feet tall.

After the flood, God told Noah that the rules were pretty much “an eye for an eye.” If someone kills another human, they must be killed by yet another human.

How does this not create a domino effect that eventually wipes out the human race - again? If one person kills someone, they will be killed by a third person, but then that third person is now a murderer and, by definition, must be killed by a fourth person who will then be a murderer and so on. Unless, God ordains the murder of a murderer and pardons the executioner? Confusing stuff.

Melchizedek, first mentioned priest/king in the Bible. Not Jewish, but worshiped God. Abraham (Abram) had conquered the evil kings - saving Lot in the process - and returned with Melchizedek’s servants and possessions to give to him. He also offered a 10th of all the other goods he recovered. The king refused and asked only for his people to be returned, offering Abraham all the possessions, but Abraham did not take them, thinking the king could then say he was the one who made Abraham rich, not God. King Melchizedek assured Abraham that he, too, knew that is was God who won the war against the evil kings. Some scholars believe that King Melchizedek, who was only seen in all of recorded history during this one encounter, was actually Jesus long before the days of the manger story and Jerusalem.

Beer-lahai-roi, “Well of the Living One who sees me.” Where an angel of the Lord found Hagar and convinced her to return to Abram and Sarai, and told her that she would have a son named Ishmael (“God hears”) and that she would have more descendents than she could count. The well was located between Kadesh and Bered.

El-Shaddai (“God Almighty”)

El-Olam (“Eternal God”)

Yahweh-Yireh (“the Lord will provide”)

Sarah died at the age of 127 and was buried in the cave of Machpelah, near Mamre (Hebron.) Abraham bought it and the surrounding field from Ephron, son of Zohar, a Hittite, for 400 pieces of silver (shekels) as a permanent burial place for his people.

When Rebekah saw Isaac walking in the fields, she followed two ORIENTAL customs: she dismounted her camel to show respect, and placed a veil over her face as a bride.

If an Oriental custom made it all the way to the Middle East, where is the mention of Oriental people, travelers, etc in the Bible? They must have inter-mingled for a long period of time if their customs remained.

Before Abraham died, he sent the sons of his concubines, and possibly those of his second wife, Keturah, to the east, leaving Isaac as his sole heir.

Perhaps the sons sent to the east further developed the far Asian nations, although by Rebekah’s acknowledgment of Oriental culture, people were already there by this time. Who’s descendants were they?

Jacob’s name was changed to Israel which means “he struggles with God.”

Rebekah sent Esau into the tent to be blessed by a near-blind Isaac, thus attempting to fulfill God’s promise that Esau would be the family leader. She took matters into her own hands and did not wait for God’s plan to unfold.

How do we know that this wasn’t God’s plan unfolding? God knew she would do this. Her actions brought about the same result, yet she has been chastised for this action. How do we know when to act and when to sit and wait? Are we not tools of God, helping to bring about His will and the events He says are to come? How then is acting in the best intentions towards what we were already told would happen be bad?

It’s when we push up the timeline of God’s plan by way of selfish, or deceptive, practices that should be chastised. His plan will work out, with or without, our help. We should prepare for the things He promises, not force them to happen. By that preparation, we are showing our faith and actually helping set the stages for positive change.

Bethel (“House of God”)

Jacob, upon being left alone in his camp after sending many gifts towards Esau, and his family and possessions across the river the other direction, was met by an angel (the Bible literally says “God”) and wrestled with him. Because the angel could not best Jacob, he was renamed Israel, “One who wrestles with God,”  “He Struggles with God” or “God Fights.”

Why did Esau bring an army of 400 men to meet Jacob if he never intended him any harm? Did he have a change of heart along the way? Last minute?

El-Elohe-Israel (“God, the God of Israel”)

Rachel died giving birth to Ben-oni (“son of my sorrow”), but Jacob renamed him Benjamin (“son of my right hand.”) Rachel was buried on the way to Ephrath/Bethlehem. The stone monument that Jacob placed there can still be seen today.

Joseph was sold to Ishmaelite traders into Egypt by his jealous older brothers.

Obviously, his brothers did him wrong, but that “wrong” saved Egypt from famine and brought the knowledge of God into a sinful country, quite possibly changing peoples lives forever. Is that not the definition of a “necessary evil?” Joseph had to go into Egypt. Does God not use people for the ultimate, long-term good when the immediate, short-term good looks more like evil? We are limited in our understanding of Him and his reasons. Clearly the brothers’ goal was not to do any sort of good and they had no idea their actions would result in a positive outcome, it was God who knew. However, had the brothers not done this, would the rest of the story’s bullet points ever had happened?

Judah, one of Joseph’s older brothers, met and married a Canaanite woman, daughter of Shua. She bore him three sons: Er, Onan and Shelah. Er was slated to marry a woman named Tamar, but was considered “a wicked man in the Lord’s sight” so the Lord “took his life.” Onan was then tapped to marry her and make her pregnant, so, according to custom, provide his deceased brother with an heir. However, Onan refused to give help to produce a child that would not be his own heir, so he had sex with the woman, but “spilled the semen on the ground.” The Lord thought it was evil that Onan would not give his brother an heir “so the Lord took Onan’s life, too.”

Joseph went from slave to prisoner to ruler of Egypt. Because of his faith and trust in God, the Pharoah named him Zaphenath-paneah (“God speaks and lives”) and made him second-in-command of all Egypt. This, of course, after Joseph, will God’s help, interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams about 7 good years and 7 bad years of crops. Joseph suggested that storehouse 1/5 of everything for the first 7 years so they would have enough for the last 7 years that will produce little to no food. People from all over Egypt came to Joseph during those famine years to purchase grains and food, because a famine had struck the known world.

Without God’s help, the nation of Egypt would have crumbled. Even if they don’t believe in God, wouldn’t the record books show a man of God, Joseph, is the one responsible for the famine avoidance situation? Surely, that fact alone would allow for thoughts of the one true God’s existence for those who still don’t believe. The Bible is a history book, full of facts. Egypt surviving because of a man and his faith in God is a FACT. God saved a nation of pagans. That’s love for His creation right there.

Joseph married Asenath wore bore him two sons: Manasseh and Ephraim.

Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt to buy grain, not knowing that he was the man in charge, nor recognizing him when they were dealing with him at first. His younger brother, Benjamin was not among them. He had a plan: accuse them of being spies and told them that in order to prove they were who they said they were, they had to present to him their younger brother. He allowed them to go home and fetch Benjamin, keeping one brother, Simeon, in jail as collateral. Upon hearing this news, Jacob, their father, was unnerved. He did not want his youngest son to be killed as he believe Joseph was and refused for some time to go along with the plan. Finally, the grain the brothers had returned home with was gone and they convinced their father to allow Benjamin to travel with them in order to buy more grain, for if they showed back up in Egypt without him, they feared they’d all die. When they arrived back before Joseph and he saw that Benjamin was still alive, he prepared a feast.

At the feast, Benjamin received five times as much food as his other brothers. Upon Joseph’s revealing of his true identity to his brothers, Pharoah invited all the brothers and their father, Jacob, to live in Egypt and have every need attended to. They were given new clothes, but Benjamin received five changes of clothes and 300 pieces of silver (shekels.)

Jacob and his entire family settled in Goshen in the northeastern part of Egypt.

On his deathbed, Jacob gave a blessing, or curse depending on who it was, and a prophecy to each of his sons. He cursed Reuben for sleeping with his concubine and defiling his “marriage couch.” He cursed Simeon and Levi who were cruel. But, he blessed Judah, most likely for his change of heart and willingness to give his life up for Benjamin, and told him that his descendants would be prosperous and “the scepter will not depart Judah nor the ruler’s staff from his descendants until the coming of the one to it belongs, the one whom all nations will honor.” (Also translated as “until Shiloh comes.”) “Shiloh” may refer to “Messiah” since it means “sent.” Messiah = Jesus.

Jesus was born unto Judah’s line of descendants.

Abraham (Abram) > Isaac > Jacob > Joseph


As I finished Genesis, I thought, “Wow. And so it begins…and, oh wait, what about the dinosaurs? Where they on the Ark? What’s the deal?”

After a little research, I found an awesome article on that very topic. Seriously click this link and read about it >>> Answers in Genesis: Dinosaurs. <<<

(The Bible I am reading is the New Living Translation Life Application Study Bible by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. This is the one I have referred to as the "SuperBible." My notes are my own, but I do borrow some of the intellect and wisdom from this version's scholars.)

Friday, August 26, 2011

witnessing for Jesus

God has certainly put things on my heart lately. That, or for the first time in my life am I finally listening to Him. Either way, as we push forward with A Couple Bucks & a Bible and the One Flock series, we have started up another way to get the Word out called Outcast. Now, this isn't a business, yet, but rather a Facebook page targeting everyone who needs some Jesus in their life. And since that would include everyone on the planet, therein lies our hope of who will stumble upon our 1 page among millions. However, Rome, that wicked place, wasn't built in one day so I'm going to illustrate some of that crazy "patience" stuff that God instilled in me not too long ago. Still getting the hang of it...

Of course, like any good Christian, I have prayed, and continue to pray daily for blessings on my family, my friends, my businesses. And like any good Christian knows, we aren't always good Christians - but we're quick to jump right back up after we trip. However, I'm gonna be more careful to watch the sidewalk in front of me so as to not trip so much anymore.

I also pray that my dear friends and family, those who either don't live a life for Jesus, or those who are what I like to call Splenda Christians - good, but not the real thing - begin to walk with Christ and invite him to come into their lives and repair the damage. We all have damage. Some of us have just figured out it's better to call in a professional rather than repeatedly fail to fix it ourselves.

God Bless.

Monday, August 22, 2011

first day of school 2011

Like most posts, I kinda have a point and destination in mind, but usually these things just start off however God wants them to...and they usually end up that way, too.

I just wanted to mention that today was the first time I ever dropped my kiddos off to school for the first day of school! And today was even more special because some of them were attending new schools, which meant milestones and new challenges ahead. I got to be there as they first faced these new obstacles and, I don't know, and without sounding too emotionally unglued, I was touched. It was amazing to see these kids about to learn a whole new level about themselves. I guess I liken it to watching a space shuttle launch. Who knows what they are going to discover this year? With God's help and some guidance from us, these new adventures will benefit them today and for a multitude of tomorrows.

To be honest, I am worried about the influence of others. Because I know negative influences wait around every corner. Evil is everywhere whether you want to admit it or not. But, that's part of the challenge of being human. As we get older, those challenges will get harder when combined with bills, relationships, life...

It's a test of our children, and of us, that we allow all of us to go through. Rite of passage, so speak. We can't hold their hands forever, nor can we expect our hands to be held all the time. I think sometimes we find security in our children. Something we have control over. But, as a parent, I know that's a two-way street. You're either super militant or in a suspended mode of fooling yourself if you think you have total control over your kids. They need to be allowed to make choices, because that helps them hone those "adult" skills for later on in life. And we need to give them that respect to make those choices, and then face the consequences. They will learn cause and effect, which is a priceless lesson to learn. Hopefully, they don't take a liking, or an indifference, to the negative ones. But, you pray for protection and wisdom for them everyday, right? So, no worries there. Right?

I think I am pulling from this past Sunday's sermon a bit. Maybe more than a bit. But, that's okay. Our pastor is wise. God works through him, too, so he knows what he's talking about. And you may not go to my church, so you're none the wiser anyway. Well,  I guess you are now...

That's pretty much all there is for now.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

hi, friends

I've begun reading the Bible. And this Bible is like a SUPERBIBLE. It's got interpretations and translations of some key Hebrew phrases - man, this thing has got it all. Hands down, best present anyone ever gave me, save Christ dying on the cross for me and when God presented me with April - whoa, my wife just got outed on my blog!!! Yes, "A" is April. No shocker there since about 99.9% of the people reading this actually know who we are. However, we just found out we're having a boy - our 8th child - so that is kinda a nice big present as well. I guess, despite any money problems, health scares or worldly frustrations thrown our way, April and I have been blessed. I pray that God continues to bless us and our family...sevenfold!

Anyhoo, the Bible. I've skimmed through pages of one before. Even read the entire "Action Bible" front to back. If you remember, that Bible is a comic book version, with the "meat" of the Gospel accompanied by really cool drawings. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who's transferring into Christianity from some other worldly, decaying place. This particular Action Bible will give you more than enough to hold a normal conversation about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit - the Divine Trinity. Plus, it acts as an amazing aide into the love and compassion that Jesus Christ had, has and will have for all of those who believe in Him and act in His name for the good of all mankind.

From that Bible, I began to read the NIV New Testament Bible that I hand out for A Couple Bucks & a Bible. By the way, funds are low and we did receive our tax deductible 501(c)(3) status, so if you're feeling overtly Christian today, we need the funds.

I was able to read the New Testament while waiting for April at commercial shoots or here and there, but I never gave God the time he deserved. He gives me all this time I have, and I only - barely - gave Him Sunday mornings. Not a very balanced relationship.

So now, every morning I come downstairs to the office and read the Bible, starting with Genesis. This is the SUPERBIBLE I am talking about. And even though it has extensive notes, I am taking my own, of which I will, at some point, transfer to this blog.

My notes have wonders, amazement, historical details, and yes, even a few doubts. Not "it never happened" doubts, but more like "how could that happen?" Doubts are healthy because they then require further inquiry into God's Word, thus revealing more beauty and understanding. Doubts are normal.

God gave us a brain that doesn't stop. It continually looks for angles, reasons, understanding. And even though our brains are trying their hardest, God doesn't have to be inside the realm of what we consider logical or reasonable. God is outside of time, space, here, now, yesterday, today and tomorrow. We are limited by these things, God isn't.

I remarked to April the other day about people trying to "crack" the Bible. Figure out its meaning and all its secrets. I think that's impossible. If mankind was able to do that, then mankind, tied so firmly to the wickedness of the world, would try and somehow expose that meaning. Plus, if everything we are supposed to ascertain from the Bible was known, what use would the Bible be afterwards? A simple history book?

Nope. The Bible has endless life lessons for us because we are constantly messing up. The Bible is like no other book. To even call it a book is iffy. It is so much more. And the power is not contained in the thin paper and printed ink, but rather in the WORDS on the pages, and those Words are powerful. They tell you - personally! - what you need to hear at that certain time that you finally realized that the only One who can help you is Jesus Christ.

One last thing. I just read this and I can't get it out of my head, but I don't want to so that's okay. First off, a disclaimer. People tend to associate Jesus Christ with the New Testament only. He is often bypassed for names like Noah, Abraham, Adam, Eve and David in the Old Testament. Although Genesis has He, God and the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the earth with the mention of "Let us make human beings in our own image, to be like us." (Genesis 1:26) Jesus was there. He is part of the Holy Trinity. We, as humans, look like Jesus. But, that's not the part I just read, I knew that. This was just the disclaimer.

Melchizedek was the first priest/king mentioned in the Bible. Abraham (at the time still known as Abram)had just conquered the evil kings of the valley and was returning possessions to this priest/king. I won't get into all the details, but this priest/king was only recorded once in all of written history. Abram, nor anyone else, seemed to know him. He was a mystery. He wasn't known to be a godly man, yet credited God for all of Abram's victories, which was a shock to those who heard it. This man was only seen by the people one time. Scholars believe that this was Jesus Christ, long before Mary, long before the miracles, long before the cross. Read about it.(Genesis 14:17-24)

Jesus is all throughout the Old Testament. The rituals, the rules, the prophecies all point towards the Messiah. On top of that, He may have actually been there in the flesh as well.

Monday, July 18, 2011

I want to live in an empty field with my family...#1

Society is a trap. If someone did everything the ads said to do. Everything their TVs told them to do. Everything the internet shows them to do...they'd have a materialistically shallow version of a life. A hollow shell of what could be and a constant yearning for more because that emptiness will never be filled. In today's case, that pretty much means a massive chunk of the population of earth.

You may live a seemingly wonderful life by doing everything society tells you is the "cool" thing to do. You may appear happy. You may even be able to fool yourself into happiness for a day or so. But, it'll be just on the surface. You can lie to others and to your own face in the mirror, but inside you know you're empty and tired because you are continually attempting to keep up with and appease, if not impress, society.

Crazy alot like the idea of The Matrix - computers notwithstanding - you have to be woken up in to "real life" versus "a worldly life." This happened for me when I met my wife and saw, for the first time, the ugliness behind society's curtain. It is designed to make you a slave. You are under its power every waking moment of the day and don't think for a second it isn't trying to somehow get to you in your sleep.

The constant bombardment of half naked people on the billboards and foul language used in everyday TV shows has numbed you to their effects. Who is society telling you to look like? Be like? Be intimate with? I hope you said your significant other to that last question.

Society tells you that it's okay to look. Window shop the other men and women in this meat market. And it used to finish that idea with "but don't touch," however these days it tells you that touching is now also allowed. Your spouse doesn't mind because either she's doing the same thing or wants to. And if she doesn't, she's been brainwashed by some cult or religion. To that I ask: If the majority of the population thinks that society isn't as bad as poison for them, then who's really been brainwashed?

More to come later....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

family business

When it comes to businesses, an open door policy between the suits and the worker bees is a novel approach to morale boosting and employee ownership.

However... As I have come to learn, such a policy is not ideal in the parental business. We have since adopted a new policy. A "knock on the closed door" policy. Literally. Please, knock before you repeatedly barge into our room. And this isn't even about what you may be thinking this is about. Quite simply, A and I like the antiquated respect-oriented notion of knocking before entering a room. It shows courteousness and self-restraint.

That's our policy. How its holding up? I'll give you some numbers. 50/50.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


A's two paintings didn't get a single award. Sham...

Shame. I mean shame. It's a shame.

well, hello there

About to go up to our church for a ceremony-type-thing where they are showing works from local artists - A has two paintings up there! - and giving out awards and such.

Hope she wins audience fave at least. I saw some of the other paintings up there. Better than what I could do, but not near as good as she does. Not just being biased, just being for real.

On the nonprofit front, I am tinkering with single monthly campaigns that hit a specific area hard and make an impact. Downtown. North Dallas. Mckinney. Wherever. We'd just collect as many donations as possible at the top of the month and at the end, hit someplace with as many Bibles with a two dollar twist as we can. So, there's that.

As far as the web series, I'm lovin' it. Not to steal the McDonald's tagline, but there it is. Hope people out there are watching and loving, too. The numbers are good for a web series like ours with no huge promotions going on or anything. Friends of friends of friends being told in emails and text messages works for us for now.

Check out the show!

marketing poster

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

On Our Soil Web Series

Hey gang! Long time, no write. I get it. I've been a tad busy with...

...our new You Tube web series called "On Our Soil." It's a faith-based (shh! don't tell the masses) show about a man who has apparent healing abilities, but is more worried about getting back to his wife and kid as the Apocalypse starts to set in.

If you haven't yet, or just want to watch it again and again, check out the first episode through our website @ and click "Watch."

I am having a blast doing this and I just finished Episode 2's script. Awesomeness.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

maybe I'm lost in a word cloud

I have most definitely neglected this blog of late. There is no doubt I have told it that I would "be right back," but instead I left it hanging outside on the porch. In the rain. And there were tornadoes nearby.

I don't really know what to attribute to my sudden stopping of the blogger presses to, other than instead of writing down life, I've been forced to live it the past few weeks. Plus, I have done a ton of outside writing and my head is swimming in words and sentences and run-on sentences about stuff. And sentence fragments. Of which I like to write.

I finished my novel and now it's at the publisher's. I am awaiting their feedback, obviously hoping for a huge thumb's up and I meeting to figure out how to best market the thing. The reviews (all of 1) that I have received back from third party individuals (A's cousin H) were super great. She loved it. And she's part of my two-pronged target audience, so...

Yea. A's at school doing her summer school thing. I'm playing Mr. Mom with fixing breakfast, snacks, lunch, laundry, dinner, trash, dishes, dogs etc etc - all the stuff my beautiful pregnant wife usually does and now I see that and don't understand how she does it all without going insane - and I start DBU in a few days to begin travelling down the road to my Master's degree. This on top of my regular Star Wars Lego contractor job.

Lotsa stuff. Wish I could write more here, but I am starting a web series in the next few days as well - I think - and I need to write the first script.

Monday, May 23, 2011

15 Minutes of Fame * ** ***

15 Minutes of Fame * ** ***

(More on this phenomenon coming at some point...)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Brennan's Ship Shop: Prototype Rebel ATV

Found! A few pics snapped of a prototype Rebel ATV. Name of vessel is unknown.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Brennan's Ship Shop: enFORCEr

Check out...the enFORCEr!

And for good measure or something....the Count E gang!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

God is an amazing storyteller

Before I fire off another one-liner or quip from the hip...I can't, in good conscience or otherwise, apologize for my "newfound" belief, zeal and testimony in and for Jesus Christ. Just can't do it. I do realize some of my friends and family may think, "Whoa, easy there, hoss, with all the Jesus talk" and that's all well and good...for them.

I'm the new, enhanced version of my old self and I love it. I love where God is taking me and I really love that A is my wife on this journey and I love that I have a built-in family of 7 great kiddos that are coming along for the ride, making this life trip all the better.

I have found that talking openly abut Jesus puts some people on the edge...of a cliff...where some of them slowly inch backwards away from me, while some others just turn around to that edge and opt to jump off before I can say a word. That's no good.

I was that way, too, at the start of my journey. You couldn't get me to talk about religion - wait, yes you could, but it was not actually to dispute God's existence, I've always believed in that. It was more to dispute the Bible and it's meanings being literal and word-for-word exact versus allowing for loose interpretations and allowing a treasure hunt for hidden meanings like I was Jacques Cousteau and it was the great blue vastness with sharks and whales and stuff.

I was uneasy with the notion of full-on Christianity and what it truly meant because I was so long living in a world where I thought I knew what it was to be a Christ-follower. "WWJD?" (What Would Jesus Do?) was just a message on a trendy-ish bracelet. Nothing more. I didn't know any better.

I'm kinda rambling today and this post has really veered off its intended course which was I don't know what anymore, but I'll sum up by saying I'm not sorry for being an outspoken, outwardly-living Christian. I've too long been a person who wasn't.

And if any of you knew me before I became this dude who hands out Bibles to homeless people, then you should not question the awesome power of God and His ability to redeem a sinner, and then turn that sinner/punk/meanie/"insert adjective here" into someone you'd like to hang around with, rather than run away from.

And before you even say that my change is all due to A, I pose this question: Who put her in my path? Santa Claus?

And before you say "fate" did it...I'll ask you, "What does a small town in northeast Texas have to do with anything? I'm talking about God here. Duh."

real quick while I'm thinking about it...

money does not make the man. he should not be defined by a job, by a car or by a house. it is action that illustrates the man.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


In case you didn't catch the post title, we are pregnant! And if you're not a numbers kinda person, that makes EIGHT kiddos we'll have when this new one meets the world. case you're new to me, this blog, or both...this will be my first biological kiddo. I'll have a little half-me running around and that is such an amazing - and amazingly frightening - thing. Two Brennans? Is the world ready...?

Our kiddos are super excited, too. And they are OUR kiddos. I treat these little step-angels of mine like they are already half-me's. I love them and they know it. They were kinda bummed that the baby would only be halfway related to them, but that was an  idea we quashed right then and there. "This will be your brother or sister. That's it. Full or half doesn't matter."

We're a solid team. And now we've got another member on the way.

Oh yea. Some people - like my buddy who just texted me, responding to my Facebook status update - will be like "What?!" EIGHT kids??? You kidding me?!" Which is the natural response. I get it. However...

We have an insane amount of love and excitement for our child-to-be. Codename: SuperBaby.

Friday, April 29, 2011

1 Peter 3 Devotional

Check out 1 Peter 3 here: and then mosey on back to this blog to check this out:

Okay, okay. First paragraph in I'm thinking "yikes, we 21st century peeps are in trouble." Especially, the women. (Sorry, women.) With talk of "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit"

I'm thinking this is hitting home with every woman who reads this and every man who is with a woman who is reading this. I mean, let's be honest, fake tans aren't real. Duh, right? But seriously...I just heard about eyelash extensions the other day. Eyelash extensions. Boggles the mind.

We are a society of "don't look at me yet, my face isn't on." We're not skeletons. Our skulls aren't exposed. In fact, it's covered by muscles and then a patch of skin called our faces. So, it's never off. But, the mask we wear everyday over our faces...? Well, that's in your makeup bag. And Peter doesn't like it.

And guys. We aren't off the hook either. And before I get into what Peter tells us, we all know that we are also guilty of "my face, my face!" from time to time. Or working out for hours in the gym for the sake of others and not ourselves. Or, dare I say it? Fake tanning. Spray-on tanning. Mystic tanning! VersaSpa anyone?

Anyhoo...Peter tells us guys that we need to honor our wives and lift them up as the weaker partner. And not "weaker" in any other sense of the word other than that Man came first, and then Woman out of Man. So, lower your "fists of fury," ladies.

We should focus on getting our significant others to see and understand and know the glory of God and the Spirit that dwells in us. Even if the man doesn't get it, his wife is commanded to help him until he does, but not by anything other than her purity and behavior in all things Christ. She should be a shining beacon of an example to her man that God is holy...and pretty much the only way to achieve Salvation.

Peter then calls all of us to be good to one another. Repay bad with good. If done wrong by someone, turn around and do right by them. We've all heard the phrase "turn the other cheek." Yea, that's from the Bible. When Jesus (in Matthew 5:39) told us that when someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also...that's what Peter is reiterating here.

Keep your eyes on the prize. Look for, see and do only good things. Then God will turn His face to you. Do bad, and He'll look away. I don't know about you, but I'd like God watching out over me while I play kickball in the street.

And if you are harmed by someone while you are out proclaiming God's word, take heart in knowing that Jesus, too, was harmed, and then killed, for the same thing. "For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil." For some reason, I'm thinking "brownie points." By doing good, when it is finally your time, you get to take all your trays - or however else you carry points of brownies - to Judgment with you!

If you barely cast glances at all the hardships that you faced while doing God's work, and kept soldiering on despite the insults hurled and the physical punishments endured, then you did exactly what Peter was asking us to do here.

He ends with a mention of Noah's time and the flood that washed away sin - and all but 8 people -  from the world, which now represents baptism. Peter then makes a call for our own baptism. To wash away the "dirt" from our lives. Leaving us free and clean, and able to have a clear focus on God.

had a thought earlier...

Yea, I'm a writer. Gifted with this ability by God to be sure. But, that's with all gifts with all people. This time, I happened to be thinking about the sayings...

                     "I can't make this stuff up!"

  "Truth is stranger than fiction."

                   "Art imitates life."

Then it became obvious. God is the best writer out there. Our stories are His unique thoughts on "paper." He'd be a bestselling author every week! Yea, of course God breathed and there was the Bible through those that physically wrote it, but that's only what we Christians believe.

The non-C's don't believe, or unfortunately don't - yet - care about that. They do, however, care about life in general. And the fact that these sayings are so engrained in our vocabulary means that they believe something is making real life stuff way better than made up stuff....something other than them or their buddies.

I think that means there's a glimmer of hope out there for more non-C's to be brought unto the flock.

Just a thought.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


"Go wash your mind out with Bible!"

"If it doesn't help us grow, it's got to go."

I made these up earlier. I shall now be adding these to my newly created arsenal of "The Christian Ninja" sayings.

That is all.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Jedi Onslaught of Vader's Hideout

THIS JUST IN: This morning I saw an EPIC BATTLE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS commence right before my eyes. It appears that a small band of Jedis have attacked Darth Vader's fortress.

I managed to snap a few pictures, but because of the insane amount of danger being so near a warzone of this magnitude can bring about, I took off soon after doing my due diligence in reporting for this blogsite.

Right before Count E got the jump on Darth Vader.
Snapped this just as Master J-Boy and his Padawan advanced on Darth Vader after Count E left.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

my issues with Universalism

Aside from Universalism believing that ALL of mankind will be saved despite their religious beliefs, despite the fact whether a Muslim or a Buddhist or an atheist even acknowledges this idea or not, despite the fact whether they accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Son of the one true God or not…

Does this universal Salvation start from the beginning of time, or only after Jesus died on the cross? This is an extremely important question. Because if it starts from the jump, it completely undermines the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ as if it wasn’t necessary. That is dangerous theology.

If everyone is going to heaven one day, why the need for Hell? And with Hell being a real place, why use it’s existence in Universalism preaching because it works against what they are trying to teach.

What prevents anyone from running amok when they know they can do whatever they want? We are born with Sin in our hearts. That Sin manifests itself everyday in a wide variety of ways. Only by trying to be nearer to Jesus do we curb those evil inclinations. If you teach people that it doesn’t matter if they act like Jesus - or like Satan - because they’re headed to the top in the end, that could have serious - 10 Commandment-breaking - repercussions.

Further, if this belief is true, then why have a Bible at all? Why have church? Why have missions and missionaries? Because if this is the true way, then people don’t need to hear about Jesus at all because at the end of the day, they’re saved anyway. The problem with that right there is that Jesus asked for his followers to be the church. To go out and spread the Word. To be fishers of men. If that didn’t matter to Him, why did He command it?

Also, it appears that Universalism is trying to be this “feel good” anti-Christian-esque Christian movement that boasts “I’m okay, you’re okay.” They don’t want people not liking us Christians so they’d rather damn them to Hell for all eternity rather than ruffle a few feathers. Pretend that our God is not a jealous being who wants and demands our love back. The Universalists have our God looking more like a laid-back hippie than an all-powerful God who commands respect and should have our undying gratitude and servitude.

Not telling the non-followers that following Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life when we have a chance to is pretty much condemning them. It is our duty to spread the Gospel, not to change and rearrange it how we see fit so that outsiders can feel good about it. Oh, but wait, maybe if they see how cool our God is and how loving He is to all of mankind regardless of what they do or think, then maybe they’ll join us. That was in someone’s head just then. And that is crazy ridiculous.

There was a town with a set of laws. Some people knew them, some others didn’t. The local Sheriff wasn’t too worried either way. He sat on his rocking chair on the porch of his office and watched the citizens go by everyday. No matter what he saw them doing, he always waved and smiled at them. “Looking good,” he’d tell them.

Soon, the people realized that no matter what they were doing, good or bad, the Sheriff was always smiling.

So, like most humans, they began doing whatever they wanted to do. After a time, the laws went out the window. Crime was rampant. People were hurt or killed. Chaos was abundant. No one cared about anything because at the end of the day, they weren’t getting into trouble. Heck, the jail had since been turned into a marshmallow factory anyway.

The Sheriff continued to sit in his rocking chair on that porch and smile as his town burnt down in flames.

The town was called Universalism.

Does our God sound like that careless Sheriff? Pick up the Bible and let me know. Wait, I’ll save you the trouble…Nope.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."   - John 14:6 

That passage is pretty much as solid as a rock. I don't see any air pockets to wedge anything into. You're not prying that open. This is as open for interpretation as Chik-Fil-A is on a Sunday. Not happening.

It's like me saying "My name is Brennan." You can't try to read into this and say, "He's not saying his name is really Brennan here." Um, yes I am. That's exactly what I'm saying.

Our condo has two garage doors, a patio door and a front door. They're not all open at the same time and you have to go through the front door if you're getting inside. Ball's now in your court. Your turn to make the effort. The invite is out there, but I'm not driving to your house to pick you up.

That's what Jesus did. He's the door into heaven. He's extended the invite. Now it's up to us accept the invitation and to make sure we get to the party. And He's cool as many "plus 1's" when can bring along.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

E's a biker

Real fast. Um, yea, E can even start riding his bike now without our help. I taught him earlier. I love how he giggles while he rides when you tell him how fast he's going.

"I know! I'm going super fast," he says between laughs. So awesome!

I told A that E no longer needs us to ride his bike. She gave me a pouty face.

They grow up fast...

Girl News Update

On the girl's homefront:

M did not make the drill team. You may not have even known she was trying out for it because I failed to mention that fact. However, that is not - at least for now - where she is supposed to have her head at. She's got amazing pipes and I'd love to see her focus on that more. She's in pop choir and has the ear of her teachers and peers, but she's destined for far greater with that voice if she'd put it out there more.

J-Girl is, well, J-Girl. She's one of a kind. She doesn't exit her room much. Perhaps because the boys are always running around and making a mess, and she does not like a mess. She just took a math re-test yesterday and when asked if it was easy she replied with, "Well, obviously." So, there's that...

Lil' A is in front of the TV. Like, all the time. The only time she pulled her eyeballs off of it was when I banned the tube from her for a few hours. Oddly enough, it was in those few hours that her vivid imagination clicked back on and she made a cool finger puppet theater out of an old glove, some markers and a piece of cardboard. If she'd sharpen that talent like a knife on a rock, she could cut the imagination world wide open.

These girls don't really make this blog all that often because they don't migrate from their roomland much, except to scavenge for food at times, and most attempts to communicate with their species is met with blurs of their existence as they disappear back into the shadows.

Blurs often have "no comment."

Brennan's Ship Shop: The G Gang

Some of the builders, G and J-Boy, came by the shop to show off some custom rides earlier. The G Gang is prevalent around these parts, with G ruling his territory with a plastic fist.

His Padawan learner, J-Boy, is also becoming quite the skilled builder...

The G Gang Gargantuan

The Gargantuan houses several dudes and can maybe blot out the sun as it flies by.
As the head of The G Gang, G gets to pilot this monster of the skies.

 J-Boy's JoyRide

Some of the gang's henchmen posing for a picture in front of the JoyRide.
J-Boy's JoyRide is made for smooth sailing amongst the clouds.

B v. E's Gang

Jedi B has tangled with a lot of foes. Just the other day he was jumped by Darth Vader. And now earlier, he was ambushed by E and his gang...but since both are on the Light Side, this was simply to test some skill...

As a Jedi of the Light, you're a target 24/7...
Hone your skills and make sure you're ready for anything they throw at you.

Brennan's Ship Shop: the Lost Ride

Came across some photos marked "random" of a vehicle that I think was designed and manufactured by up-and-coming Lego Artist J-Boy. Since we have been so jam-packed here at the shop as of late, I can't remember when it was taken.

Have a look...

J-Boy's "Lost Ride"

Friday, April 22, 2011

earth is God's artwork

This part is in my head: "Write your devotionals already!
This part is, too...weird: "I know! I know! But this stuff just appeared in your mind's thought bubbles so you need to write it down before you forget it."

On my way back from further than Fort Worth while sitting in traffic, some gems of truth came to me and I wanted to get them on virtual paper before they disappeared.

As far as the scientists using man-made aging technology (carbon dating) that is, well, man-made ergo flawed and destined to fail like the Delorean, I can't wrap my head around people being totally cool with the earth being a few trillion years old, but not with the Bible being true and that God could create things that already appear aged because, like any artist, not everything painted on the canvas is supposed to still have that new car smell.

Some things are supposed to be older, filled with character and wonder. It'd be boring to have everything shiny. Um, there's no doubt why the older Star Wars movies rock. Those spaceships and towns have character. Style. Their appearance alone tells a story.

As far as Darwin's little'd really be a bummer to actually have come from a fish. Yea, my grandpa, he's a dolphin. No, really...

A rustic mudball hurtling through the vast black emptiness alongside infinity other planets and stars is older than we can count and sputtered to life from a single speck? That is what passes for "acceptable" to reasonably thinking people. What? And more importantly, why? And then another, what?!

People's belief in the Big Bang sandwich with a side of evolution - apparently unbeknownst to them - requires a great deal of faith in things they cannot control, let alone replicate. Hm, sounds familiar. However, my faith is in a creative Controller over the whole situation. A meticulously planned out scenario helmed by a Creator who simply wants us to love His creation instead of constantly trying to rip it apart.

The universe, the Bible, you, me...all His.

Instead of trying to read into things, try to just read.

thoughts, life stuff, yada yada yada

"Let sleeping dogs lie."

Ever heard that? It means - at least to me - that the past is buried, the present is now, the future can be what we make it. Don't go digging if you're scared of what you may uncover. Allow the people in your life to be the change that they are illustrating on a day-to-day basis.

Don't condemn them for things done long ago. That makes you a judge. And you probably didn't go to law school so that makes you guilty of impersonating an officer of the court...or something. It's bad. Makes you look bad. Makes the person you're slamming the gavel down on feel bad. Creates badness all around. Bad.

"It's not always rainbows and butterflies. It's compromise that moves us along."

Ever heard that? Maroon 5. She Will Be Loved. Great song. Greater message. Life is certainly not a bed of roses. Maybe a bed of thorns, but not roses. We all know that unless we're high as a kite 24/7. Life is tough. That's why God means for us to find our one true partner and team up against this life that apparently has it out for us.

And when we find that soul mate/partner in crime, we should have their backs. Honor their attempts at godliness, help them when they fall short of it. Life is trial and error. One long practice before the big game. Rally them on! The world has enough obstacles and barriers already, so stop being an extra one for your significant other. Finding a common ground on every issue is key to finding a common happiness.

One last thought o' this day that I had a few moments ago. It literally popped in my head, so I think God may have given it to me to write on this blog post. And if you think God can't talk to people, or it's just a voice in your head like you're a schizophrenic or something, put the meds down, you don't have five people living in your skull...or maybe you do, but God can and will speak to you if you listen. Maybe tell the other guys in there to pipe down. Anyhoo...

I was told this. With so many people trying to prove it wrong, the Bible must be right.

I'll leave ya with that...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

B v. Vader - The Complete Story

we're ticket scalpers

We are here as ticket scalpers to the big game. The more tickets we hand out, the better our seat inside. Entry and salvation are free.

"I can ride a two-wheeler!" - a guest blog by A

E can ride a two-wheeler!! No more training wheels! A few days ago Brennan and his dad were out running errands when E asked to ride his bike. I decided, since there were tools lying around, to raise his training wheels a bit. BUT that wasn’t good enough for E. He wanted them OFF! He said he was not a baby anymore and that I could save those for the next one. That made me laugh.

So, alright… I took those baby training wheels off and eager E jumped on his bike as I held the handlebars and seat.  I began the mom thing - instructing and cautioning - preparing him for the worst.

“…and if you fall down you just gotta get back up and do it again, because everyone falls down when they are learning.”

SO running behind this invincible 4 yr-old, holding the seat… he was off. “Whet go!” he yells. Okay. So, I did. Running alongside to catch him. He got it. He really got the "go" part. The tricky part came to "stopping." Slamming your brakes with training wheels was no biggy, but on a two-wheeler that means you also have to catch yourself. So he learned the basics: pedal, coast, brake, catch.

He went up and down the road (a large hill.) E’s favorite thing to say was, “Wook! I keep making you run!” He just loved seeing me chase after him. Hot. Sweaty. Yep - a funny spectacle of a mother for any onlookers, I’m sure. After way too many times up and down that road hill, E was ready for Brennan to come home. It was going to be his BIG surprise! He warned everyone not to tell Brennan. Only he would get that honor.

Brennan and his dad finally arrive home. E could barely contain himself. He ran up to him,“I have a surprise!!! I can ride a two-wheeler! Wook!” as he held up his training wheels. He also handed him a plastic fireman's hat full of eggs that he had gathered the day before at an Easter egg hunt. He said that they were his and Brennan's to share. It was his "first surprise." So proud. 

Now it was time for E to show Brennan he could ride without the training wheels. This time I thought, now E gets to make him run. Yep, that’s what they did. Up and down the road hill. Precious.

(This is the first of what may be many guest blogs by my wife and side-by-side guide in life, A.)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Brennan's Ship Shop: Rides on the Road

Here at Brennan's Ship Shop, not every custom ride makes it into the photo gallery machine before it departs for the open highway, or battlefield. Sometimes, we have to catch 'em on the road.

And then we give the photos appropriate captions to match. Like these two...

"Pawn to King's 6." - photo pieces made possible by J-Boy.
"I made my own lightsaber with spare droid remains and so can YOU!" - photo pieces made possible by E.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

John 12:12-19 AND Isaiah 42:1-9

I'm tandeming my devotionals with verses our church has asked its members to read during Holy Week. So, without further ado...

Read John's stuff here and then read Isaiah's stuff here and then read my stuff about their stuff.

John's Stuff

For any of us that have spent any time in church, or better yet, seen at least one of the many Jesus movies on TV- perhaps Passion of the Christ on DVD? - know a little something about Palm Sunday, whether you know that's what its called or not. It was when the people of Jerusalem and its nearby suburbs came out in droves to lay their cloaks - or palm tree leaves - out so that Jesus may cross over them, in a gesture of respect and honor, during His last week as a man on earth. Though they did not know that then.

Well, back up a day or maybe a little less than 24 hrs, to where John begins these passages. Jesus was just outside Jerusalem. He rode on a donkey towards the city as the villagers and Passover visitors ran to greet Him. They didn't realize it then, but this gesture, Jesus on a donkey, fulfilled an Old Testament prophecy about the chosen Messiah. Looking back, the people were like, "Oh yea! That's right. Duh." Jesus had made another OT prediction come true. Just rackin' 'em up!

So there was Jesus, palm leaves and cloaks padded his path on the way into Jerusalem. The people shouted "Hosanna!" which meant "Save me" or "save us." (Learned that in church this past Sunday. Yay for learning!)

The people who had seen Him do miracles, the ones who had seen Him raise Lazarus from the dead, walked with Him. Others ran out into the city to tell of Jesus' arrival. Many thought He was there to be king of Israel. To lead them back to glory. To create a new kingdom so that they may bask in it.

Little did they realize, the Kingdom was already built. Heaven, hello. Been there since time started up. Jesus was amongst them to make sure that they would know the directions how to get there and had a VIP pass when they did. Amongst a million other wonderful things, Jesus was also a mapmaker. His map, however, only had one place on it, and only one step for the route there, but I challenge anyone to find a better one. And as our Guide neared...

John tells us that the Pharisees knew something was amiss. They heard the crowds. They heard that Jesus was coming. They saw the people adoring Him. They then conspired to put an end to it all...or so they thought.

Isaiah's Stuff

Isaiah passages offer us hope. To me, that's the overwhelming emotion in the words. "He will not shout, He will not raise his voice in public." Jesus is gentle. Gentle with us and with the world. Despite everything, He is gentle when we need Him to be. When we hurt or are on the verge of breaking, like "the bruised reed," He will not break us. Actually, He'll heal us. Fix us. Make us better. That's what He does for us. For His children.

"He will not falter or lose heart." He loves us. There, I said it. L-O-V-E. Deal with it. You can't get away from it. When the world, and even when some of the people we care most for and most about, falter us, or lose faith in us, Jesus will not as long as we continue have faith in Him.

Jesus tells us that He'll take us by the hand. As kids, that made us feel secure when our parents held our hands. Especially when we were unsure of where we were or where we were going. Don't fool yourself, we're all still lost. Little sheep "baah'ing" in the wind. We need Him to hold our hands. He can hold both of mine if He wants.

Jesus tells us that we will be a light for those who are in the dark. It always, for me, goes back to being fishers of men. And not the "catch and release" kind either. We must get those who we have caught up in the Holy Spirit Net and teach them how to fish. We must spread the Word where there is no word. We must take the Word to those who can't come to it. And it's not like we're alone in this. Jesus tells us that He's guiding us there. He is everywhere we are.
He wants you to reach as many people as you possibly can...and then reach three more. He has made all this. And by "all this," I mean literally look around, peek out the window, grab a book, Google anything...He made it. And He rightfully wants others to know about it.

Isaiah finishes up this section with Jesus reminding us that He has fulfilled things past prophesized, and that He will tell us about future things before they happen as well.

Jesus is past, present and future. He always was and always will be. Take heart in that. Take comfort in that.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Brennan's Ship Shop: Palpatine's Pillager

Seems a lot of Imperial rides are coming through this shop lately. But, hey, they gots the money right? Them Rebel boys...shoestring budget if ya catch my drift. Anyhoo...

This next one's called Palpatine's Pillager. Named after the Emperor and designed for quick battlefield maneuvers...or for just running through other kiddos' Lego builds, which we then have to hear about and lay down some quick Jedi law enforcement on the perpetrator.

Palpatine's Pillager

Palpatine's Pillager's aerodynamic design allows for surprisingly good miles per gallon.

The Pillager joins a raid on a small Jedi camp on Tatooine.

The raid is led by a Sith named Weird Red Bug-Eyed Alien.

The Pillager sideswipes a Jedi on a Ton Ton. Wave to Luke in the background...

But, like any Imperial swine, he who has the upper hand - in this case, the Pillager - will take 'em all out. Friend or foe. Crazy Stormtroopers...