Thursday, May 26, 2011

maybe I'm lost in a word cloud

I have most definitely neglected this blog of late. There is no doubt I have told it that I would "be right back," but instead I left it hanging outside on the porch. In the rain. And there were tornadoes nearby.

I don't really know what to attribute to my sudden stopping of the blogger presses to, other than instead of writing down life, I've been forced to live it the past few weeks. Plus, I have done a ton of outside writing and my head is swimming in words and sentences and run-on sentences about stuff. And sentence fragments. Of which I like to write.

I finished my novel and now it's at the publisher's. I am awaiting their feedback, obviously hoping for a huge thumb's up and I meeting to figure out how to best market the thing. The reviews (all of 1) that I have received back from third party individuals (A's cousin H) were super great. She loved it. And she's part of my two-pronged target audience, so...

Yea. A's at school doing her summer school thing. I'm playing Mr. Mom with fixing breakfast, snacks, lunch, laundry, dinner, trash, dishes, dogs etc etc - all the stuff my beautiful pregnant wife usually does and now I see that and don't understand how she does it all without going insane - and I start DBU in a few days to begin travelling down the road to my Master's degree. This on top of my regular Star Wars Lego contractor job.

Lotsa stuff. Wish I could write more here, but I am starting a web series in the next few days as well - I think - and I need to write the first script.