Thursday, March 22, 2012

Punkinface's pumpkin

This is so awesome. Punkinface drew me a pumpkin. I held it up next to him and said, "It looks just like you!" 

To which he replied, "Nuh-uh. It has different eyes!"

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

do dogs lay eggs?

Punkinface always has me crackin' up, but yesterday he said, "If Cheyenne laid a dog, would she be on a farm?"

Not that funny? Allow me to explain. Cheyenne is his dad's dog. She's old, but super sweet. She, obviously, is a female. Hence, she can have pups. However, she does not.

April's mom, Punkinface's grandma, raises chickens who lay eggs and lives on a nice slice of acreage (could be construed as a farm-type situation.) He's familiar with that farm-ish, egg-laying hens in the coop lifestyle. He plays with the hens and gets chased by the roosters. He knows about laying eggs. I think - although I don't know for sure - that he believes that human babies are hatched, or laid, also. It's too cute at this point to correct him if he does. Anyhoo...

He must've assumed Cheyenne, a dog, as well as every other girl dog, lays baby puppies like every hen dropping a chicken egg that he has ever seen. Coupled with his cute factor, this conversation made me laugh.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

it wakes!

Yes, the blog has slumbered many a moon, but I will attempt to wake the beast! Rise, blog, rise from your restful sleep and begin to tell the world again of the many adventures that you have born witness to!

This blog pulled a Houdini. Vanished into thin air. Or so it seemed. But, it was really just taking a nap behind the old oak tree. Rip Van Winkle-style apparently. So, here I am, once again trying to wake the slumbering dragon...

But, it's tough. SO MUCH goes on that I hardly have time to write it down before I find myself doing something else. It's like I would need nanny cams all over the house to catch the stuff on tape, just so I can remember it later. But, that ain't happening. What will happen, hopefully, is that I will begin to jot things down here and there on this blog as religiously (pun intended) as I do my other blog (See John 5:17). Have you bookmarked that one yet? You should. Seriously...

Okay, so the slumbering beast has been stirred. Let's see if it stays awake this time. And for a recap, we now have 8 KIDDOS: M, J-Girl, Lil' A, Lil' B, G, Rubberface (formerly J-Boy), Punkinface (formerly E) and Baby Dude (formerly Mini Me.)

Why "M?"  Nothing crazy fancy. Her name starts with "m." And it's a pretty cool name. Too bad I'm not gonna mention it here. Moving on...

Why "J-Girl?" Her name starts with "j" and so does her younger brother's. And the "-Girl" part to is distinguish between the two. However, as you will see below, her brother's codename has been altered, so the "-Girl" part is now just pure nostalgia.

Why "Lil' A?" As you may gave guessed, her name begins with...."a!" However, so does my wife's. And since our daughter looks like a little version of my wife, it only helps make this name more awesome.

Why "Lil' B?" You're catching on. Yes, his name starts with "b." And so does mine. And to be honest, since I don't speak in third person, his codename could just be "B" and there be zero confusion, but he's a kid and littler than me and it sounded cool.

Why "G?" This name just sounds cool - and yea, his name starts with this letter. "G" has become an endearing term people call other people who are cool. Yes, this letter used to be short for "gangsta" back in the day, but that was when "gangsta" was derogatory. Today, it means "overall neat dude" or "baller."

Why "Rubberface?" He makes tons of different faces and can squish his cheeks around. I called him this one day and he laughed so hard we decided to go with it. For a moment, maybe a day, he wanted to be called "Legoface," but that didn't last.

Why "Punkinface?" Started off with a Lego pumpkin head - which is a bit dog-chewed, but still in existence. From there and most likely due to his usage of the said pumpkin head, I began calling him punkinhead. From there, he and I used to call each other "punkinhead," then "punkinarms," "punkinlegs," "punkinears," etc - which we still do. Somewhere along the line "Punkinface" stuck and there it is.

Why "Baby Dude?" Because he's my baby and he's a dude.

The kiddos' codenames are designed to not blow their cover in the field. They're secret agents. Obviously...