Thursday, January 20, 2011

blogdentity crisis?

Quite possibly suffering from some sort of identity crisis like a freshman in high school, you may have noticed I am toying with different looks for this blog. Never one to keep the furniture quite the same for too long, I like to freshen up the joint from time to time to keep things my mind.

Of course, it's the same old furniture in the same old room, but, like many maniacal things, it's psychological. In my head. Not sure the popular kids will like my blog better just because I went from penny loafers to low top Converse All-Stars. But, hey...

I like the new Star Wars comic book page in the back, don't you? It has Luke, Darth and Artoo! Three-for-one special!

Oh, I think not too long ago someone - may have been one of my friends - said they used to rock penny loafers with dimes tucked in 'em. Not pennies. Dimes. Please. Joke's on them! Everyone knows that dimes are smaller than pennies thus making them less monies. Just ask E.