Thursday, January 13, 2011

Target in our sights

So the move approaches. Away from Dallas proper into the suburbs. And I'm excited about it. For one, there's nary a Jack in the Box near me that I know, and sometimes, I crave me some 2 tacos for 99 cents.

We grabbed E and J-Boy from A's parents' house yesterday*, where I was given arms and subsequently attacked by two knights thereafter. I held my own for a moment, then found that fending off two opponents - one with a sharp sword, the other with a sword and gun - was too much to handle. I fell victim to their clutches and was taken to a train station built by J-Boy. Apparently to await transfer to the dungeons...

However, I was sprung from the train car and we waved goodbye for the moment to A's mom, leaving to round up the other kiddos who were awaiting our arrival at a secret rendezvous point. We made the exchange with their dad and headed to - where else? - McDONALDS!!!

I know it's not the best for them, but it's not the worst either. And it's priced right and, come on, they have a playground. Duh.

The kids ran amok and A and I talked new bedroom with M. This time, she was going to get to have a say in what her room looked like. There was talk of Target and online searching. The ladies - now including J-Girl - and I also discussed upcoming birthday stuff and sleepovers and me hiding away from it all behind the closed doors of the master bedroom. Our new place of habitat has a lot of amenities to offer, some well-suited to the occasional thrown party.

We decided to table that discussion until further notice and skipped on over - not literally - to Target so M could get a first-hand account of what bedding goods were out there. Let me tell you, 7 kiddos all huddled around, or inside, a cart at Target...yea, we were a spectacle. I caught every variation of facial expression as we cruised the wide aisles. Some amused, some confused, some - for some reason - annoyed, but the outward annoyance was most likely an effect of an inner, personal annoyance cause. Anyhoo...

After Target and some small moving-type purchases by A and I, we loaded back up and took the kiddos back to the original rendezvous point for the drop-off. There, for the first time, I formally met their dad and we shook hands.

Nothing earth-shattering, but perhaps a start in the right direction.

(* Funny, reading this feels like having to decipher a military code.)