Saturday, January 15, 2011

our engagement party

I think we totalled up 40 people or so that showed up to the party. Not too shabby. If you had me list 40 songs or 40 of my favorite foods or 40...people, off the top of my head, not sure I could. It's funny how "40" seems like a low number in the grand scheme of things - and it really kinda is when factored in with, what, that number "41" and his expansive list of older buddies - but that's not even what this post is about so why am I mentioning it? Uh...

So! We had such a great time and feel very blessed our family and friends made it out to celebrate the news of our engagement with us. The house we live in now is big, but 40 people can fill a few rooms quickly. And as I took coats and purses and put them in our bedroom, I stopped to listen to all the people's voices echoing throughout the house. I felt honored to have everyone there for us. For the family.

The pool table appeared to be the guest of honor last night. My friends camped out around it and we all played several games. My bro and dad got in the rotation with us and time stood still. This is what it should be. Family and friends and nothing else. All of them beating me at pool on my own table.

I'm glad my mom got to meet A's mom. I wanted them to talk and share stories and all that jazz. I'm glad my dad met A's dad. Really, I'm very glad everybody got to meet everybody else. The night went just beautifully. A was happy, which, when it boils down to it, is what it's all about for me.

We talked a bit about my books and dreams of others reading said books. Last night shed some light on some potential for that I think. And speaking of books - or blogs rather - this blog...this adventure of mine with A and the kids. That I share with the world. I love it. I love the fact that it has allowed people like A's parents and grandparents, my mom and my dad, and A's aunts, uncles, cousins, and her friends and my friends, basically get to know me. The "me" I feel I have become, am becoming.

Far and away something else entirely than I once was. And for those who understandably had concerns when A and my role model adventure started, they have been able to see into our lives and, even further, got to hop on the roller coaster with us. Going up and down and through the loops. Everyday. Getting to know me and A and most importantly, getting to keep up with the kiddos.

A and I just talked about how much E's physical appearance has changed in the last less-than-year that I've had the pleasure of knowing him. This blog lets us hold onto those memories, those mental pictures...forever. Ah...emotional tangent. Sorry. Back to the engagement party recap where...

Many of our friends and family were visiting our house for the very first time. And they seemed to really like it. A mentioned tonight after dinner - go, Outback Steakhouse! - that she felt bad she hadn't thrown more parties here, on account of us moving next month. The new place is much smaller, but I'm sure we'll host a gathering or three there as well. It's in her blood to be the hostess with the mostest...