Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Whoa. Forgot to formally yell - um, type out - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Woo-hoo for 2011! Gonna be a great year. Not sure I can say the same for all doom n' gloom 2012 though. Because as you know...the Mayans and soothsayers and palm readers and Cracker Jack prize openers and fortune cookie makers and horoscope maker-uppers...they say "it's the end!" And it may be...but there's only one person who we should look to declare that. And He's not just a person. He's pretty much the Saviour of our life and entire known universe. But...enough about that, more about...

This. Our very cool and casual NYE plans that A and I shared with my bro and sis-n-law at their house last night. It was chill and relaxing. Wii was played. Quite a bit. Golf. I'm not really that good apparently. The driving and chipping I got. The putting? I need some work.

The girls painted a huge 3' x 4' masterpiece that took them the better part of last night, and some of this morning. It is pretty awesome. And I believe the success of it has created a new NYE tradition. The year-end paint-a-palooza! (That's not what they're calling it. I have no idea where that came from.)

We had a great time away from the craziness of downtown and the way people tend to, not themselves...when fueled by the holiday spirit. Or spirits. Ha, get it? Anyhoo...

Yea. Fun times. Had by us. Hope everyone had a great time doing whatever it is they did.

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