Wednesday, January 26, 2011

homeless kiddos

No, not ours. But, yesterday A and I went to an event called "The Face of Homelessness" at Collin College where we learned that there are literally hundreds and hundreds of homeless students in Collin County alone. Some are what they call "doubled up" meaning two or more families living in a single-family home where the conditions are substandard...and then there are some children that live in cars with their parents and siblings.

I had remarked to A not too long ago that as we walk the streets of Downtown Dallas, that it was weird - and fortunate - that we never see kids. I guess it never dawned on me that they, too, like every other kid, are in school. They just don't get to "come home" to a proper home.

There is hope though, for some. Several organizations are already in place helping the families with children keep them in school, as well as help the parents attain housing and jobs. But, obviously, it's not an overnight process. It takes months and months. And most of these organizations, like our a couple bucks & a Bible homeless outreach ministry, require constant donations and public funding to operate. And in a time of universal economic woe, things could definitely be better.

Now, more than ever, our hope is that people turn to Jesus for the support that only He can give.

We are.