Friday, January 21, 2011

mobbed up


The first attacker jumped on me from above. I didn't see him through the spray of light coming off the streetlamp (ceiling fan light) above us. He landed on my back and hooked in for the long haul...

The second attacker hit me around the waist, then slid down to grapple my feet. Maybe he's a cage fighter, I don't know. He had my ankles and wasn't letting go. I almost fell two or three times, but a nearby wall saved me...

The third attacker was less finesse, more wild man with a head-on steamroll approach. He came at me while his cohorts were wrapped around my neck and my feet. I was doomed until...

My sidekick stepped in. He jumped on the dude at my feet, rendering him out of commission. He'd be trying to pry off that little guy for days. That just left the guy around my neck and the wild man who I learned to dodge and spin away every time he came at me. He twirled into the alley dumpster (couch cushions) more times than he'd like to remember.

Strange that it's every two weeks on the dot that I am repeatedly mobbed by this same crew in a consecutive three day grouping. Even more bizarre? That there's always this little ninja sidekick dude who comes to my rescue each time. Sometimes he's even dressed like Iron Man. Wait. Come to think of it. My attackers are sometimes dressed like Batman, Spider-Man and a clone trooper from Star Wars. Weird...