Thursday, January 13, 2011

waiting in line to wait

All I could think was "wow." The sheer amount of people waiting in line to get registered to be able to wait in other lines so they can then talk to some advisor who will tell them where to go and wait some more...boggles the mind. I don't remember waiting near that long when I was back in school. Granted, it was a lil' while ago and the planet's population keeps on goin'. Lotta students grow'd up in that time and here they are, college kids.

A is gonna polish off her associates degree and tackle that bachelor's this year. So that meant, waiting for 3 HOURS at her chosen local college to talk to an advisor. They gave us one of those vibrating squares you get at busy restaurants and sent us away to scour the campus-side in hopes of a rattling, blue light blazing coaster to come soon. It didn't. Like I said, it took 1+1+1 hours. That equals three. See, I went to school.

On the up side, I got a personal tour of the library and bookstore by A. She then got some beef jerky and cheese, I got a Milky Way Dark. Those are awesome. They didn't have Diet Coke. They had water - what?! - and Red Bull - huh?! - as the two dismal bevies of choice. I mean, yea, there were vending machines around, but I wanted to compartmentalize my purchasing experience into one fell swoop. Fiddlesticks! (A said she used to use that word. I thought it was cute and funny. Same time.)

Another up side? When we finally did get to the advisor, he informed A that she never really had a set degree plan set up at the school - which is required. She said she knew all along what she needed to take and just checked them off as she went. Sadly, universities and higher learning institutions rely on more than a student's spiral notebook checklist.  Happily, they got her back on track. Degree up ahead!

Oh, and anyone following our charitable homeless outreach cause might be interested to hear that there is a new 4-yr degree offered that specializes in non-profit management. Sweetness, right? I know one young lady aiming to hang that degree on her wall. And one non-profit corporation very happy for her to do so.