Saturday, January 29, 2011

this little blog o' mine

Again, a lull in the system. I haven't posted for a few days because, quite frankly, nothing has really happened. And who wants to read about nothing? However, as nothing was happening, I was still talking about this here blog thing I got goin' on. I want to syndicate it. Like, in newspapers and magazines and stuff. I'm looking into possible landing spots for it next week. I hope I have a taker.

And in this syndication talk, I have realized something about this blog. If nothing else ever comes of it, I do believe it has served it's purpose quite well. It has allowed a number of people to get to know me who would of otherwise not gotten - or wanted - the chance to. It has allowed a window into our world with the kiddos and the Legos and the Ghost Whisperer marathons. So, whatever becomes of this blog...

My future mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparents-in-law (is that a thing?) and pretty much all of A's family she holds dear...they now know me. For better or worse, they know me...and my affinity for cartoons and toys and Jack in the Box and these 7 kiddos I call my own.

Additionally, it's great that my mom and my fam members get to see some of the day-to-days of A, M, J-Girl, Lil' A, Lil' B, G, J-Boy, E, a Min-Pin named Kami and I.

Who would've guessed it?