Monday, January 31, 2011

"today you" tomorrow

It occurred to me that even though you are the same person, literally, day in and day out, you are not necessarily the same, you know?

The person we were yesterday could very well be different as night and day from who we find ourselves being today. For me, I sometimes call it "yesterday Brennan" when gauging things from yesterday that spill over into today. For example...

"Yesterday Brennan" really put me in a bind today by not going to the store and getting me some groceries - specifically Diet Coke - for today. He certainly could have. He had the time. Had the transportation. But today, A is training for a new job and she has the keys to the SUV with her. Not her fault. I blame "yesterday Brennan."

Another mental illustration is...

When A and I were househunting months back, a common theme kept reoccurring: credit. My credit wasn't great, or good for that matter. We couldn't get a house. I joked that "20-something Brennan" really messed up "30-something Brennan." Because he did.

I eventually got my credit higher and within loan range, but then other random home purchasing headaches occurred - namely my profession at the time in the TV biz - that mortgage underwriters simply didn't jive with. Oh well, worked out for the best. Although this house is lovely, it isn't for us anyway so renting proved to be the way out of the maze.

And while I am not advocating blaming someone else - even the "you" of 24 hours, 48 hours, 5 years ago - for problems that you actually brought on yourself...wait, does that make sense? Probably not. However, it is something to talk about.

Just remember that "today you" is tomorrow's "yesterday you." Make sure all parties like each other.