Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom served on a digital plate!

Okay, so in the next 24 to 48 hours, I may be a published author. It's pretty cool. And not hard at all. Literally anyone can do it. Um, wait up. "Literally anyone" may be stretching it. Not sure a baby can do it. But, I don't know, don't they have baby computers now? And then I can train the younglings to use the writing Force. Hm. Food - scratch that - nuggets for thought...

Anyhoo, my ebook from PubIt! and Barnes & Noble is titled Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom - a book I dub "a plateful of advice nuggets" pulled from this very blog. That's right! It's pretty much Adventures in Role Modeling LITE. An on-the-go version of this here adventureland.

It will be available for online upload for the low, low price of $4.99 from very soon!

I'd love for each and every one of you to snatch up a digital copy for your iPhones, iPads, nooks and computers. Tell your friends to tell their friends to tell their friends to tell...