Friday, February 11, 2011

Paging Dr. E

The other day I was under the weather. In bed, covers over my head. Which was pounding. Sinus cold meltdown. Suddenly E bounced in the room, took one look at his pitiful patient, jumped up beside me and cradled my head.

"You're burning," he said as he felt my forehead and cheek.

I kind of smiled, felt his arm and replied, "And you're cold."

And then he starting making a whooshing sound as he rubbed his hand back and forth over my arm and face.

              "I'm making you cold!"

I thought it was pretty awesome that he was trying to take care of me. Like the time I was sick and he gave me his favorite blanket to keep me warm. He's an awesome little dude. And...

...this time he also refilled my glass of water several times - though he drank most of it himself - and brought me some saltine crackers and said...

                "These will make you feel better."

I smiled and took a cracker he held out to me. "They will?"

                                    "I think so."

And, sure enough, after a few crackers and water with Dr. E, I told him I was starting to feel better and he cleared me for check-out. Back to wrestling, sword fighting and, of course, Lego-ing.

Honorable mention goes to nurse A for her diligent efforts as well.