Saturday, February 19, 2011

move! move! move!

T-minus one day until "Operation: Movin' On Up...North" commences. We stayed up late last night prepping upstairs. The girls helped. The boys slept. Worked out for the best I'm sure.

Today we tackle the downstairs. We most definitely have more items than item space for the new apartment. Like fitting a round peg in a square hole, or more accurately, trying to put a tutu on a prized pig. You just can't squeeze all that fat in there. So...hello Craigslist!

The highlight of today is that this teenager we know turned 14. On this blog, she goes by M. We bought donuts this morning. A full rainbow array of sugar-filled baked goodness. She gets to pick first. Her actual party, however, will be pushed until we settle in the new place and the rest of the kids are with their dad - as per M so she can have friends over in peace.

So Happy Birthday to her, and here's to hoping the move is smooth.