Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's

So today is Valentine's Day. Just wanted to state the obvious. But A and I, we celebrated on Friday night at our fave of fave restaurants, Desperado's. And being that we usually hit that place up around lunchtime on a random weekday afternoon, we found that this night was super busy. We had a wait. And this is only weird because we normally have our pick of tables. However...

We ended up getting a great booth near the front and beside the fireplace. Last year I took A here and we had an entire section to ourselves. They even lowered the lights and let me light a few candles I brought in for that ambiance especiale! But, again, this time it was packed.

Our waiter greeted us and immediately complimented us on our bracelets - red silicone things that read "Live for Him" - and then showed us he had one, too. This was cool because I found them on some obscure website and had never seen anyone else with one on. But, it should be mentioned I've never actually looked for anyone else with one on.

That got the dinner off on the right foot. We ordered drinks. A, with water and a lime, me with - ugh! - regular Coke because I'm kicking the toxic diet drink habit, and I wasn't feeling tea. And water? Come on. Me? But probably should've. I have become quite fond of filtered water as of late. Anyhoo...

A and I were enjoying each other's company, chips, salsa, queso, the whole thing...and apparently the food was taking too long to be prepared because the restaurant had a huge party one wall over. We really didn't notice the wait, but the owner came by twice and apologized. And after we had our fajitas, he offered us a free dessert. Um, yea! Quatros Leches rules.

The waiter barely had time to come back to see how we were liking the dessert when we slid over an empty plate to him. When A breaks her diet to eat a dessert, you know it's better than good. So...

That was our dinner. We wanted to come home and OnDemand a movie, but we feel asleep. And...

Tonight, on V-Day proper, we are grabbing the kiddos after school and taking them to her parent's for pizza making goodness. Yum yum.