Monday, February 28, 2011

The "Color Wars" Game

On the way to and fro the old place to gather the last remnants of furniture and what-nots, and to meet my dad there to help us do so, I was in the good traveling company of E and J-Boy who - as they usually do with the other boys whilst en route to anywhere - started to play what I dub "Color Wars."

The object is simple. Just call out the car/truck/motorcycle/UDO (Unidenified Driving Object) when you see it according to its classification.

Goes like this:
  1. Red Car.................Ketchup
  2. Yellow Car...........Mustard
  3. White Car.............Mayonnaise
  4. Green Car.............Relish
  5. Blue Car................Blueberry
  6. Black Car..............Licorice
  7. Brown Car............Chocolate
  8. Police Car.............Star
  9. Ambulance............Heart
Those are the basics. We've yet to come across a fire truck or a fushia lowrider, but when we do, we will update the game. Also, there really doesn't ever appear to be a clear winner, per say. Just lil' tiffs about who saw a "licorice" first and stuff like that. There's no score card involved or anything.

And you may think that with the endless amount of white cars on the road, this game would get annoying after 2.5 seconds of the kids shouting out "mayonnaise! mayonnaise! mayonnaise!" at the top of their lungs,'s, passes the time. For them. So...