Saturday, April 2, 2011

we don't button our sleeves

We went to A's grandma's wedding today, so we had to get the kiddos ready. Since we don't have a rack of suits and pretty dresses, we had them put on their Sunday best - which is more like Sunday "decent" with a contemporary edge.

E wanted to wear his pearl snap shirt. He likes them because I have a whole slew of them and he sees them all the time. He walked in our room with it on and asked me to button it up "like you always do." I smiled and began to snap those buttons and he motioned to his sleeves that were rolled up.

"We don't button our sleeves. No we don't."

He's right. We roll up the sleeves of our button up shirts. It's pretty cool that way.

And speaking of cool, E told me not to take off what I wore to the wedding. "You look cool," he said.

Being called cool by the hippest 4 yr-old on earth is pretty awesome.