Tuesday, January 3, 2012

so much stuff!

WE HAD OUR BABY!!! Now I have 7 kiddos already, but watching our 8th - my first biological child - being born was incredible. I think it just hit me the other day I have a baby. I was walking around this past week in sort of a daze. I remember saying at the hospital how surreal this whole thing was. I didn't freak out about blood, or seeing EVERYTHING at the birth or even cutting the umbilical cord. I did fine. Thank the Lord, right? Because normally...I'd be on the floor with all that going on.

The kiddos love our new one also. G was telling us he gets to help with the diapers - um, okay! E said he gets to tuck the baby - Mini Me - in bed every night and said.
"And I'm gonna read him a story. Oh wait. I'm gonna tell him a story because I don't know how to read yet."
Preciousness. And J-Boy gave him is own blue baby blanket, which was a huge message of L-O-V-E. And M and Lil' A all dressed up to meet their new baby brother. (M was at the hospital for the delivery and loves to claim she was the first person to ever give Mini Me a kiss. That's a cool honor!)

And Lil' B spiffed up nicely. He was beaming when we brought baby home. And the ringleader of this welcome home parade was J-Girl. She kept calling asking, "When exactly are y'all gonna be home" over and over. It was awesome and all the kiddos were amazing.

Okay, so...so much stuff to talk about. Christmas was great, except for M perhaps wanting a complete do-over with her gifts. Alas, that ain't happening...

But, the kiddos got so much stuff from everyone. And, on top of that, got their little brother Christmas night. More on Mini Me's birth in another post. There are some cool numbers happening there if you're into that sort of thing.

A month or so back E and I were playing action figures - um, that's right! - and I took a few shots right before  the mob went crazy. Take a look...

As you can see, it was good guys versus bad guys. I personally love the last one with Wolverine keeping Boba Fett in check. You may have noticed Iron Man on the ground looking not-so-good. Don't worry. He made it out okay!

Being a reporter right in the midst of this battle was crazy. Although from different dimensions, the superheroes/supervillians were well matched against their Star Wars Rebellion/Empire counterparts. Plus, I believe there were some army dudes, some GI Joe, that were, again, from separate worlds, but fought valiantly. It was awesome and E had a great time.

If I talk a moment about this blog...I'm not lazy, per say, but I do fancy myself someone who loves to have all my ducks in a row...and blogs in the same place. I had this blog previously on PastorBrennan.com but moved it back here, but now...I think I'd get to this a lot more often than once a month if I had on the site I go to ten times a day. I just hope if and when I do move it, you guys will venture that way, despite any opinion one way or the other as to my amount of "religious" commentaries.

I will look to devote an area to my site for Adventures in Role Modeling so that everyone can see the day-to-days of our family shenanigans.

But, again, how cool is that Wolverine vs. Boba Fett picture! Right? C'mon!

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