Friday, March 25, 2011

got comfortable being comfy

Here goes...

I have been incredibly lazy as of late. Not like physically lazy, but work-wise lazy. I have become comfortable being comfortable. And it's not like my agenda or our schedules denote laziness either. In fact, anyone who hears what A and I got on the coals makes them scratch their heads and wonder how we do it. How we stop time, or whatever, and squeeze everything in. Truth is, God is the only one who knows.

However, a good chunk of our "gonna do's" are in the chalk board phase. Or, the website building phase. Or, the "need to write the next chapter" phase. Or, the "we need more money/donations to make this nonprofit work" phase. Which coincides with the "hurry up and give us our 501(c)(3) status" phase.

Not to mention press releases, blogs, etc etc yadda yadda yabba dabba doo....

I am overwhelmed. Circuits are overloaded. Which leads to being content to sit on the bed and watch TV. Or worse. Getting stuck in Twitterville or Facebookland. Those are the worst places to get a flat tire in or for your car to stall on you.

I found myself yesterday bouncing back and forth from Twitter to Facebook for over two hours, merely checking to see in my nonprofit got anymore followers or if I got any "mentions" or "retweets." Nope. There was a mention on Twitter, but it was someone telling me to follow this Dallas Mav who gives out tickets to the game. Ho hum.

The only occasional reprieve I got was checking to see if I was outbid - which I was on multiple attempts - on the Xbox360 Slim bundle w/Kinect package I was trying to nab on eBay.

I didn't realize until this morning, after four hours of literally doing nothing in front of the computer, that I was stuck in this funk because I had too many aspirations that they all gang tackled me at once, rendering me incapable on doing anything. I was knocked out of commission. This blog suffered. My novel is set back weeks. Stress headaches abound. An overall sense of worthlessness sets in pretty quick around here if nothing positive or beneficial to myself, my family or mankind is done on a daily basis.

The only positive is that A Couple Bucks & a Bible has about 74 followers on Twitter, only 29 on FB, as of this blog post. Other than that, my weeks were wasted. And when we had the kids, I was still in my comfy funk, in front of FB or Twitter like a zombie, and I probably didn't play Legos or spend the time they deserve with them like I should have. And it's not because I didn't want to, it was because I had made myself incapable of it. I had too much to do with no visible starting point in which to begin. I was spinning my wheels. Horrible feeling.

So now I've singled out the problem. Too much on my plate. I think I should just focus on the meat and potatoes for now, and put the mac n' cheese and desserts back in the fridge for later.