Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Flu Talk with Brennan

Well, I got the flu. Joy. Yesterday I wallowed in pain complete with the jimmylegs, but today - today! - I am getting stuff done. First off, I finally got my Boba Fett flash drive that I will store my scripts inside like he's carbonite. Check it out...

...this is him trying to take on Luke Skywalker...

...and this is him after. Bad move, Boba. Notice the usb thingy! Sweet!

And earlier today, I snapped a photo of Kami in her new festive seasonal Halloween shirt, shown here:

She is so a stylish pup. Have you ever seen a better jack o'lantern tshirt model? Then here's her Halloween costume:

Um, excuse me, did someone call for Batgirl?

Yep, even my pup is into superheroes. Speaking of which, not that this is a movie review blog, but the new Batman and Superman: Apocalypse straight-to-video cartoon....not great. Not so much. The drawings were all weird. Their faces had too many lines in them, like the inker was trying to make them look like chronic steroid abusers. Superman's arms looked like tree trunks in blue spandex. How does he explain that as Clark Kent? It just didn't look right. Yea, it's a cartoon, but even then, come on dude!

And the premise? What?! Okay, it was based on some graphic novel that was some fanboy's illicit dream come true, but I mean...I'm a fan, too...and I was waiting for the good stuff to actually happen up until the end credits. And the problem is, I like the DVDs they put out. It just seems lately they are trying too hard. Either way, keep pumping those superhero movies out you producers, you!

Okay, I'm done. Too much Advil and too much time on my hands today. My role model advice: save your cash and take the kids outside. The sun misses them.

1 comment:

  1. ...these pictures make me smile everytime i see them :)
