Friday, November 12, 2010

Test. Test. Test.

Okay, so yesterday I came to the realization - hallucination? - that everything is a test from God, measuring our patience, temperance and faith. Everything. Anything from dropped cell phone calls to being fired at work. It's all a test designed to see how we react, and if we are capable of handling certain situations like grown-up adults should. If we look to the Light Side of the Force, or edge towards the Dark Side. If we seek help through Jesus, or throw a temper tantrum right there in the store. Test. Test. Test.

Of course, there's a super big chance not everything is a test. Some things just are. They happen because they happen. Of course by design, but not life-shattering enough to toss under a microscope and seek underlying meanings and third layer understandings. It's just life, happening. However...

It is so much easier to say "it's a test." God is testing us, and like most tests I take, I am not one to sit back and accept a "B" or "C." And most certainly not an "F." Nope, I like passing tests. So if my faith is being tested in "why is there traffic at 2 o'clock on a Tuesday, do these people not have jobs?" scenarios, I'm gonna take a deep breath, count to ten and smile at the notion that I've just been tested, and I passed.

Run out of gas? Test. Bank closed early? Test. Random midday traffic? Test. Of our patience and our faith that we know God is working out the quirks and  kinks in all of us, helping to make us the perfectly oiled machines we were supposed to be.

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