Saturday, November 20, 2010

vacuum cleaners really robots from Mars?

I love how E likes to vacuum. He begs us to do it. Score, right? I mean, it's not like a 3-year old is gonna do the superbest job ever, but he takes the edge off. I just love that he loves to clean, because I love clean things.

Speaking of vacuuming, I wonder why Kami, our pup, and all her other pup relatives and descendants hate the vacuum cleaner. Like it's some robot from Mars bent on world domination, and only the dogs know it, so they bark their heads off trying to warn us. Sure, the vacuums play innocent, what with the cleaning up of our rugs and carpet all the time, but they're just waiting. Waiting for the time to strike.

Anyhoo...we got the kiddos last night, for just the night. Today they shall begin their Thanksgiving time back at their other home. We won't get them for like two weeks plus some other days, so that's a bummer-

***Ha! Pardon the interruption, but E just came in with the vacuum to clean the rug in my office - it's so funny that he drags that thing around and it's taller than him! Right now he's trying to tell Kami to "come on" and leave the office so he can start cleaning. "Her's not going." Classic! Okay, back to the other stuff... ***

And tonight we are going to the Margarita Ball in downtown Dallas since A scored some VIP tickets from a client, so we are going all out. The town is gonna be painted red. Well, maybe a reddish shade of some sort. We're not twenty-something hoodlums. Anymore.
So...A has a stunning black dress, she re-did her hair back to blonde and hooked up a spray tan. She's pushing an 11 on a scale of 1-10.  I got a suit for the ball. I didn't own a suit before this, so that's a good thing to have around for any and all suit-type happenings and goings-on in the future as well. I'm gonna go back to hanging out with the kiddos. Nerf gun Lego wars, couch potato'ing, sword fights and other cool "role model-ey" stuff.

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