Saturday, September 18, 2010

I'm an action figure!

Okay. Let me catch my breath. I guess I had it coming, but the flood gates on the Star Wars question-a-thon have blown off and floated on down the river.

Now, I fancy myself a better-than-novice SW trivia guru, but not so much when it comes to the after, and in-between, worlds of the comics. The movies...I got it. Done. But the comics...I'm hit and miss. And ever since I scored some SW two-figure packs complete with comic books, I have been batting questions away like a madman from this pitching machine of question lobs gone crazy.

The extended universe is vast. And, er, interesting. In a sort of did George Lucas really okay this or was he just like, "ah...whatever..." kinda way. Because some of these characters...dude. Out. There.

But it's Star Wars, so automatically cool nonetheless.



Whilst I was toy shopping, I noticed they are putting out all kinds of new SW action figures. Like obscure, "who's this guy?" action figures from the original trilogy. One dude they made is a random blink-and-miss Cloud City semi-official who's claim to fame was destroying some secret Rebel info before the Empire could retaliate on the system for aiding in Luke's escape. Guy's snapshot on the package was him running around a corner holding what looked like a propane tank. Yea, no doubt this cat was an extra on set, or maybe possibly a sub-sub-subterranean character that the editor's didn't quite have room for, but nowhere in the trilogy is this dude mentioned.

He's a total marketing ploy setup by the powers that be trying to sell just one more toy to guys like me trying to get his kids to be all down for SW. And even though I think that's cool, unless you're collecting the entire series - or you were that extra on set all those years ago - then the kids are never gonna want that dude. Think about it. They can choose Luke or Darth Vadar or Boba Fett or Han Solo...but choose random dude? Nah. Ain't gonna happen.

Good try though. Because if you were that dude, how pumped would you be right now? I'm an action figure!


  1. ...i agree, who wants to be just a regular dude? :)

  2. I know right. Although it's okay to be "just a regular dude," it's something else altogether to strive to be better than that. Plus, it gives us something to do.
