Saturday, September 18, 2010

Star Wars Bible Lessons

Just closed the curtain on The Empire Strikes Back. Cinema gold. The boys watched it. The, they watched whatever Nickelodeon is peddling these days.

A was thinking how several of the things said about the Light Side of the Force by Yoda & The Gang could be used beautifully as openers for Bible lessons. Hm, using SW as a tool for turning the younglings onto GOD. Not a bad angle. Agree with her, I do.

By the way, totally saw that one random Cloud City dude that they turned into an action figure that I mentioned in my last post.

By the way way, the question-a-thon continued during the movie. At least this time, I had all the answers.


  1. ...ok. i'm now officially hooked. i seriously want to do this now.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. For real. The kids just ask and ask and ask and...ask about Star Wars stuff cuz they think - er, know - it's cool. Get God in the mix, and before you know it...Jesus could beat up Darth Vader AND Luke Skywalker. Same time. Doesn't even need a lightsaber.

    Believe it.
