Thursday, September 30, 2010

a year ago today

One year ago, I met A. 365 days of ups, downs, lefts and rights...but after it's all said and done...I'd wait in line to ride this coaster again. Maybe even with my hands up the whole time this go 'round.

(Whether or not she would? Well, um, you'd better ask her. I mean I'd like to think yea, but it's never good to speak for your girl on stuff like this.)

I'd like to take this opportunity to quote from one of my fave movies, Tombstone, about Wyatt and his ladyfriend, Josephine, and their one life together, after their two unfulfilled lives separate and apart...

"Wyatt and Josephine embarked on a series of adventures. Up or down, thin or flush, in 47 years they never left each other's side."

For some reason this speaks to me. Maybe you feel the same. It's not always easy, one or both of you is gonna misstep at times. That's natural. We're human. Well, most of us. Don't waste time and focus on the bads when there are oh so many more goods. And even a couple greats. Probably more than a couple. Maybe even a bunch. Like a sack full of greats. From the great store where you are a lifetime member. That'd be cool.


  1. speaks to me too. through the thick or thin--it's us, together... with a sack full of greats-7 of which i can think of off hand :)
    love you. happy anniversary baby. ~a

  2. ...and come to think of it--wouldn't it be great if someday our tombstone read, "Brennan and April embarked on a series of adventures. Up or down, thin or flush, in 47 years they never left each other's side."
