Sunday, December 26, 2010

the start of a book club?

Just finished an amazing book we borrowed from A's dad called Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo. It's the real-life story of a little kid's journey up to heaven where he met some incredible individuals...namely Jesus. And I am pretty set on calling this one a "real-life story" because, as you well know by now, I have some some little kiddos - and while they do have some mighty decent imaginations - I don't think their ability to make up several distinct, Biblically-accurate details on a whim are quite up to snuff.

Plus, this kid in the story, Colton Burpo, has maintained his story from age 4 up until today, without varying the details at all. The stories are still the same, and it's pretty hard for the young ones to remember the lies they make up for even a few hours, let alone a few years.

So...amazing book. I recommend you read it. And like me, it may make you want to hop online to see if anyone else experienced the same visit up to heaven as did Colton. I surfed the net and discovered that there are numerous accounts of that trip having been booked, taken and then talked about across the globe. Probably as much as, say, UFO sightings and alien abductions, but for some reason, many people are quicker to believe in those things before they are to believe in God and His Son Jesus. I think that's supercrazy. And don't get me started on what I think aliens and spacecrafts and all that stuff really is.

I love the argument about needing scientific proof to prove a historical fact. Reminds me of this other great book, More than a Carpenter by Josh and Sean McDowell. He (Josh) was a hardcore skeptic of the whole "Christian agenda." And, on a bet, set out to make it crumble to the ground.

Instead, he found tons of historical proof, backed by non-Christian manuscripts that were written at the same time as the Bible, that proved the stories to be true. Undeniably according to every document, Christian or not, that he discovered on his way to un-prove Christianity is this: there was a man that walked the earth named Jesus...and he performed miracles that friend and foe alike witnessed. And one of those was overcoming death and making the most amazing "jail break" from a guarded tomb that time will ever see.

The guards didn't fall asleep. They knew that doing so would result in their own crucifixion. The guards didn't abandon their post. They knew that doing so would result in their own crucifixion. The people didn't go to the wrong tomb. People all over the land knew exactly which tomb they placed Jesus in. Remember, killing him was their mission. His body was their trophy. Do you forget where you put your trophies?

Didn't think so. Read the books.

1 comment:

  1. i just finished reading both of these as well... AWESOME BOOKS! I basically read the second one in one sitting it was so good... then finished up the last few pages before i went to sleep. The kid in the book reminds me so much of E and the way he talks and thinks. Precious.
