Sunday, August 29, 2010

Birthday Monkeys

So it's been a few days since my last post, but being one who cringes at the thought of starting up small talk, I didn't want to waste time talking about the weather, the pre-season Cowboys or the fact that my allergies have officially begun a civil war with me.

But now, today, I got something to talk about. It's J-Girl's birthday! Yea! I know we just celebrated a bday not too long ago, but with 7 kiddos, a lot of birthday donuts are gonna be eaten and shindigs thrown.

So J-Girl's the BIG 1-2. On the cusp of teenagehood. Last of the tween years. And she likes monkeys. Not sure why I threw that in there, but there ya go anyway...

...and here we go to some pizza meets super crazy amusement park land with a gaggle of kids and a group of adults in tow. I'm excited. Mostly because I get to see the kiddos again, but also because it's a pizza meets super crazy amusement park land. With a monkey or two tossed in by us for good measure. Of course.

I just want this to be the bestest birthday for her ever. We made it happen for Lil' A, so we just want to keep the streak alive. Go 7 for 7. Because these kids are awesome and they really deserve it - and birthday parties to the young ones are fun time celebrations where they get to tick one year older towards whatever age to where they think life really gets good...Ooh, 16! Ooh, 18! Ooh, 21! And then the decline happens...Oh, 25! Oh, 30. Ew, 35! Eww, 40. Not that we role models can't cut a rug and have a good time, but the majority of us have passed through that little bubble of fantasy ages we all had as kids.

But soon the younglings will come to know us wise like Yoda in the ways of the Force - and just life in general. But that comes around the "Oh, 30." stage. It did for me. Although I have always valued my mom's advice, it didn't start to completely sink in until I took off the "I know more than anyone else before me" armor. But I'm not 100% advice-spongey yet. I kept the helmet and shield. So I still know unknowable stuff.

So back to pizza meets super crazy amusement park land and the fact that we will all be celebrating in a few hours. And meeting new members of A's family. Eek! Hope they take to me...

Hey, guess what. Life's a celebration. Probably shouldn't just wait for bdays and Christmas to celebrate it. But save the extravaganzas for the when little girls turn the BIG 1-2.

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