Sunday, August 15, 2010

Toys vs. Decorations

'Twas the other day when I was having a convo with a friend of mine and of this blog's about a huge multi-pieced Lego Yoda she just bought online sans instructions and I was all, "How are you gonna build it? Use the Force?" Buz-zing! I'll be here all week. Anyhoo...

That led to me remembering how at some point A and I had established a distinct separation of toys versus decorations last month with the kiddos. In case you don't 'member, the boys' room is all pimped out in superhero-ness. And some of the things I have placed on the shelves are "toys" from Comic-Con and other random collectible-type doodads that aren't so much irreplaceable as they are extremely breakable.

So we taught the kids that some of the stuff in their room, despite bearing an uncanny resemblance to toys, are, in actuality, decorations - and therefore, much like Al Capone, untouchable.

It's so funny to hear E point at the Superman carousel on the shelf and be all, "That's not a toy. That's a decoration." Oh man, lemme tell ya, it's priceless.

So, yea, moral of the story, nugget of wisdom from this word mine...make the distinction between the playthings that you don't mind the kiddos wreaking havoc upon, and those you wish to keep in one piece. At least that's what we do anyway.

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