Monday, August 30, 2010

Momday, Momday...

Sur-prise! Sur-prise! Sur-prise! I got home from work and the kiddos were still in the midst of their Momday. (Mom-day: noun. Every Monday A has lunch and otherwise hangs out with our little gaggle of kiddos.) Today, I got to get in on that.

And then I got to help with homework. Whoa. Me...helping them...with homework. Have I arrived? Or is this just another test along the road to official role model-dome? It was cool. I jumped right in with the editing. Change this. How about using that? Maybe use this word instead here. And I had that obligatory red pen in tow.

The circle is now complete. When I left you [school] I was but the leaner. Now, I am the master. Bring on the lightsaber battle...

Okay. Sidetrack. Where was I? Oh yea, red penning some stuff. Yep, J-Girl wrote a great summary on her summer reading book thing that I helped shape into a masterpiece. And M wrote a very cool story about a girl in a movie who didn't realize she was in a movie until the very end and the whole time thought her little sister was being kidnapped. Twisty plot stuff. Might have a little screenwriting assistant on my hands. Oh, even better, perhaps a Jedi Writer Apprentice. Sweet.

G had to color his notebook - as homework? Nice assignment. A+ for staying within the lines. Lil' A and Lil' B had their homework - on the Internet? Does not compute. What, are they in college already? C'mon, teach, lighten up on the technological dependencies. Geez.

And J-Boy's "homework" help consisted of me manning the player 2 controller on Star Wars Legos II. Twist my arm, right? And E needed help with the Lego house he was building for us, then we moved on to the really hard subject of Superheroes. I never knew the story of how Green Lantern and AquaMan teamed up to beat the lesser known evildoer, Captain Cold, until this evening. Intriguing stuff.

Look into it...

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