Saturday, July 24, 2010

Star Wars: Who's Your Jedi?

Hey role models, it's no secret that I like Star Wars. I believe every kid and adult human - and non-human - on this planet should know about it. And then love it. It's a pop culture catch-all that can spark any conversation, good or great, and lead to many other things, good or great. I do not, however, feel the same about Star Trek. Moving on...

So, we popped in the Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones dvd and watched as one familial unit today. As I watched for the 3747584th time or so, I allowed my mind to wander...into thinking who was the greatest Jedi of all time - in the regular George Lucas universe, not the fanboy-extended Star Wars universe. Anyhoo...

So, most websites will say Mace Windu was the best lightsaber duelist while Yoda was the strongest in the force. Of course that was the "still getting his bearings" Anakin Skywalker phase and pre-Luke Skywalker era. So if we consider all the top Jedi dogs, without considering time and place - in their primes, as it were - we can then begin to rank these guys into the best of the best. Pay attention, 'cause this here's some good knowledge to pass on to the kiddos. Pop culture small talk ammo, remember?

Keep your hats on and your hands down until the end of class, but...I think Obi Wan Kenobi was the best all-around Jedi. Follow me here...the "Thrilla in Manilla" climax of part III pitted Kenobi against Palpatine's golden boy Anakin, who was thought to be the "one who will bring balance to the force" and slated to become "the most powerful Jedi of them all." Well, sorry Annie, you caught a serious, lava-filled beatdown at the hands, and lightsaber, of Obi Wan. He had the upper ground.

And remember, Obi Wan beat wicked good saberist Darth Maul after he killed Qui Gon Jinn on Naboo. He then was throwing down with old school gentleman duelist Count Dooku (or Darth Tyrannus, if you prefer) and he held his own pretty decent until the long day's work coupled with the fighting for his life against an army of bug dudes got him a little winded while Dooku played the whole "undermining" his Jedi prowess with his "I'm so disappointed" talk. Plus, part of him was worried about the deep fried Anakin still smoking in a heap in the corner. So there's that.

He stacked up a pretty nice heap of bad dudes in his wake before turning old, feeble and gray in the outskirts of Mos Eisley.

I know what you're thinking. Luke killed Darth Vader while Kenobi almost killed the pre-robot suit version of him. But even though Luke was awesome with the saber, Vader was old and beat down. He was also having regrets about his lifestyle choices over the years...and probably was a little bored of the same outfit day after day for many decades.

Plus, Obi Wan Kenobi was the first dude we old schoolers ever saw do the Jedi "hand wave" telling someone that who they were looking for was not actually who they were looking for. You just can't beat that with a stick. Or lightsaber.

Wow, this post was long...huh, Star Wars. Gotta love it.

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