Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oddly enough, they spared it.

Okay, so the elite few of you following this blog may have noticed the poll I had concerning the sacking - or non-sacking - of the Lego Castle I built (scroll for pictures somewhere below.) To those who thought they'd spare it, they spared it...for the most part. And only after adding their own individual touches, of course.

That's the sunshine, lollipops and rainbows news. And now for the rest of the broadcast...

I had to round up the herd and, with the support of A, assert the fact that when I say something, it needs to be done - just like when mom does. (Wow, I just got old.) But seriously, as a bill payer in this living structure, there have to be rules laid down, then rules followed. I'm not a junior in high school and this isn't me running for Student Council president. I'm already the popular guy in this house. No posters or speeches necessary.

I really don't like dictating to the kiddos, but if we don't, it will be Lord of the Flies meets Planet of the Apes or something. I don't know exactly, but it'll be unpleasant.

So, phrases like "time out" and "I'll take that Xbox away if you don't behave" were tossed about...then the Xbox was actually taken away. Tears were shed. Hopefully lessons learned...

1 comment:

  1. I am so enjoying your blog - probably because 11 years ago my husband (who had never been married before and had no kids) took on role modeling for an 8 year old boy. That boy is now 19 and is about to start his junior year in college, and we have 2 more kids (7&9). There were many ups and downs along the way.
    Kuddos on following through on stated consequences.
